A volleyball skills progression test is a series of drills and activities designed to assess a player's progression in specific volleyball skills such as serving, passing, setting, hitting, blocking, and digging. This helps players and coaches to identify areas of improvement and track progress over time. Here's an example of a skills progression test:
1. Serving:
a. Underhand Serve: Check for proper technique, consistency, and accuracy in getting the serve over the net and into the court.
b. Overhand Serve: Assess the player's ability to execute a successful overhand serve with proper technique, power, and accuracy.
c. Jump Serve (optional for advanced players): Evaluate the player's ability to perform a jump serve, aiming for an aggressive, high-velocity serve that lands within the court.
2. Passing:
a. Forearm Pass: Gauge the player's ability to accurately pass the ball to a designated target, focusing on technique and consistency.
b. Overhead Pass: Assess the player's skill in accurately passing the ball overhead using a setting motion while maintaining proper technique and consistency.
3. Setting:
a. Basic Set: Evaluate the player's consistency and accuracy in setting the ball to a designated target.
b. Quick Set: Assess the ability to quickly set the ball to a designated target with speed and precision.
c. Back Set: Check the player's skill in executing a back set, targeting a hitter behind the setter.
4. Hitting:
a. Approach: Evaluate the player's hitting approach, focusing on proper footwork and body position.
b. Arm Swing: Check the player's technique in executing a proper arm swing when attacking the ball.
c. Timing: Assess the player's ability to time their approach and contact with the ball for maximum power and accuracy.
5. Blocking:
a. Footwork: Evaluate the player's ability to move along the net efficiently and quickly for proper blocking positioning.
b. Hand Position: Check the player's hand position when blocking, making sure they are sealing the net effectively.
c. Timing: Assess the player's ability to time their block correctly, aiming to meet the ball at its highest point and penetrate over the net.
6. Digging:
a. Defensive Stance: Check for proper defensive stance and positioning on the court.
b. Reaction Time: Evaluate the player's reaction time as they attempt to dig the ball.
c. Digging Technique: Assess the player's ability to effectively dig the ball with control and accuracy toward a designated target.
After completing the skills progression test, players and coaches can review the results to identify areas for improvement and track progress over time. This can be extremely valuable in helping volleyball players advance their skills and increase their overall level of play.
volleyball skills progression test
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