


Polytheism :





Cultural diffusion:







Lesson 1 Civilization Emerges in Mesopotamia

Which two rivers is Mesopotamia between?

What characteristics allowed southern Mesopotamia to become the cradle of civilization?

What is considered the world’s first civilization?

Look at the photograph.


A photograph of a form of Sumerian art is shown.

What Sumerian art form does the photograph show?

What was unique about priests in Sumerian society and why were they important?

Lesson 2 The First Empires

What is the rule of law?

Read the excerpt from Hammurabi’s Code.

“If a man has knocked out the eye of a patrician [aristocrat], his eye shall be knocked out. . . If he has knocked out the eye of a plebeian [commoner] . . . he shall pay one mina of silver. If he has knocked out the eye of a patrician’s servant . . . he shall pay half his value.”

What does this quote illustrate about the nature of Hammurabi’s Code?

Lesson 3 The Assyrian and Persian Empires

How did Darius govern over the vast Persian Empire?

The Assyrian rulers divided their empire into 70 smaller units of government called provinces. Then they assigned a governor to each province who reported directly to the Assyrian ruler. What was the goal of this technique?

What is Zoroastrianism, and which civilization practiced it?

Lesson 4 The Phoenicians

Which of the following did the Greeks adopt from the Phoenicians?

Why did the Phoenicians become such skilled sailors and traders?

Lesson 5 Origins of Judaism

What was the Exodus?

How have the Ten Commandments influenced life today?

What relationship does the commandment "Remember the Sabbath day" relate to?

Which of the following texts contains commentaries on the teachings of Moses?

Why did the Israelites consider Canaan to be the Promised Land?

When Judaism began, how was it different from other religions in the ancient world?

Lesson 6 Beliefs of Judaism

Why is the Torah important to Judaism?

Lesson 7 Early History of the Jewish People

How did the Diaspora change the way Jews worshipped?

Short Answer Questions

How did the Phoenicians’ willingness to travel far for trade eventually lead to the spread of their civilization?

How does the Talmud show that studying Jewish sacred writings is an important part of Judaism?

How does Judaism influence modern society?

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