1. Attack: a deliberate act of aggression or assault.
2. Bacteria: microscopic organisms that can cause infections or disease.
3. Cavity: a decayed area in a tooth caused by tooth decay.
4. Dental care: the practice of maintaining oral hygiene and treating dental issues.
5. Filling: a material used to repair a cavity in a tooth.
6. Floss: a thread or string used to remove plaque and food particles from between teeth.
7. Monitor: to regularly observe and track progress or changes.
8. Practice: the act of performing or engaging in a specific activity or skill.
9. Listen: to pay attention and hear what is being said or communicated.
10. Acid: a chemical substance with a sour taste that can corrode or dissolve materials.
11. Baby tooth: a tooth that erupts in infancy and is eventually replaced by a permanent tooth.
12. Consequence: a result or effect of an action or condition.
13. Dental floss: a thin thread used to clean between teeth and along the gumline.
14. Ensure: to make certain or guarantee something.
15. Fluoride toothpaste: a toothpaste that contains fluoride, which helps prevent tooth decay.
16. Follow your example: to imitate or emulate someone's behavior or actions.
17. Go untreated: to not receive medical or dental treatment for a condition or issue.
18. Model: a person or thing that serves as an example to be imitated or followed.
19. Neglect: to fail to properly care for or pay attention to something.
20. Permanent tooth: an adult tooth that replaces a baby tooth and is meant to last a lifetime.
21. Regularly: at fixed or consistent intervals; habitually or repeatedly.
22. Tooth decay: damage to a tooth caused by bacterial acids that break down the tooth's enamel.
dental care
baby tooth
dental floss
fluoride toothpaste
follow your example
go untreated
permanent tooth
tooth decay
1 answer