Visit the United Nations Development Programme website to learn more about the Human Development Index (HDI). Use the information on this webpage to help you answer the questions on this assessment. Make sure to watch the short video clip and scroll down the webpage to review the interactive line chart and HDI Dimensions and Indicators graphic.The Human Development Index and related indices: what they are and what we can learn from them - Our World in Data(2 points)Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse."The Human Development Index (HDI) was created to emphasize that Response areaand their Response areashould be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone."Question 2What are the three "dimensions" that contribute to the HDI? (select three)(2 points)ResponsesLong and healthy lifeLong and healthy lifeGNI IndexGNI IndexA decent standard of livingA decent standard of livingKnowledgeKnowledgeLife expectancy indexLife expectancy indexQuestion 3What indicators are used as part of the HDI that factor into the "knowledge" dimension? (select two)(2 points)ResponsesLife expectancy at birthLife expectancy at birthGNI per capitaGNI per capitaExpected years of schoolingExpected years of schoolingMean years of schoolingMean years of schoolingQuestion 4What was the "life expectancy at birth" for someone born in Japan in 2021? (use the interactive "Explore HDI" chart, make sure you hover over the correct year)(2 points)Responses72.172.184.884.868.968.989.789.7Question 5Since data on HDI began being collected in 1990, most countries HDI value has ____________.(2 points)Responsesincreasedincreaseddecreaseddecreasedstayed mostly the samestayed mostly the sameSkip to navigation
1 answer
"The Human Development Index (HDI) was created to emphasize that people and their wellbeing should be the ultimate criteria for assessing the development of a country, not economic growth alone."
Question 2
What are the three "dimensions" that contribute to the HDI? (select three)
Long and healthy life
A decent standard of living
Question 3
What indicators are used as part of the HDI that factor into the "knowledge" dimension? (select two)
Expected years of schooling
Mean years of schooling
Question 4
What was the "life expectancy at birth" for someone born in Japan in 2021? (use the interactive "Explore HDI" chart, make sure you hover over the correct year)
Question 5
Since data on HDI began being collected in 1990, most countries HDI value has increased.