975.84 + (975.84/38)*1.5 x = 1226.22
how can he get away with only paying 27% of his tax?
I think you meant to say that he pays 27% of his income in taxes. And in any case, that does not affect his annual income. Now, if you want to know his net annual income, then that would be
52*1226.22 * 0.73 = ______
This is math. If you want a correct answer, you need to carefully ask the correct question.
vikram starts a new job and works 38 hours a week for a wage of $975.84. his over time rate is time and a half (1.5)
a)how many hours of overtime did vikram work in a week if his wage for that week is $1226.22
b) if vikram usually works the amount of overtime in the above question in the 52 weeks of the year he works, and he pays 27% of his tax, what is his annual income.
1 answer