Vicki is writing a report on the benefits of getting children involved in sports. Her thesis is that children who participate in sports are smarter, have superior discipline, and are more confident than children who do not participate. She goes to the library and finds a book entitled The Role of Sports in Childhood Development. Its author, Dr. Frederica Maddelena, is a noted child psychiatrist. The book agrees with only parts of Vicki's thesis. Later, Vicki finds a Web site called sports expert . She cannot track down the author, but the site was updated that morning. It advocates getting children involved in sports to increase their intelligence, as well as to improve their discipline and confidence. What is one way for Vicki to decide which source is more credible? * The sports expert site was updated that morning, so it is more credible. The book is more credible because its author is a doctor specializing in children. The book is more credible because its research challenges parts of Vicki's thesis. The sports expert site agrees with Vicki's thesis, so it is more credible.
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