Very few people have permission to post links on this board. However, you could tell the person to go to and tell the search term you used to find the information.

Is it true that I'll never be able to post a link here on Jiskha?

I've tried it a few times when people had Q's about stuff but it hasn't worked. It is quite difficult to have to go and summerize a page in say Wikipedia and post here to answer someone else's question.

Thanks =)

Oh..okay...but if it was on another site that would be totally useless...

(I guess I'll NEVER be able to post here right Ms.Sue?)

Another thing we do sometimes is to recommend the student go to Google and then tell him/her the exact search terms we used to find a site.

You're welcome to post here. Your answers are very helpful and much appreciated. To keep this board safe for everyone, though, Jiskha has wisely decided to limit the people who are permitted to post links.

Okay thanks Ms.Sue
(but seriously I highly doubt I'm a danger unless it's to myself XD and as you have seen I at least try to help where I can =))

5 answers

Ms. Sue really be out here talking to herself
is,,,,is Ms. Sue okay,,,,
This was posted sooo long ago
I want to know HOW to post a QUESTION...
Not post a link! PLS!