Vertebrates include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Analyze the common characteristics of reptiles and explain how they differ from mammals. Explain your answer in one or two sentences.(2 points)
3 answers
Common characteristics of reptiles include having scales or plates on their skin, being cold-blooded, and laying eggs on land. Reptiles differ from mammals in that they do not have hair or fur, they do not produce milk to feed their young, and they have a three-chambered heart.
Vertebrates include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Analyze the common characteristics of reptiles and explain how they differ from mammals. Explain your answer in one or two sentences.(2 points)
Reptiles share common characteristics such as dry scale-covered skin, cold-bloodedness, and laying eggs on land. Unlike mammals, they do not have hair or fur, and their heart has three chambers instead of four.