you are asked to verify a specific case, so use your calculator
my calculator gave me .999999999
verify the pythagorean identity numerically, for the value:
cos^2 2.4 + sin^2 2.4 = 1
is this is a special angle? :S
thanks in advance
3 answers
how do I plug in cos^2?
its always cos(
do I put cos(^2)(2.4)?
its always cos(
do I put cos(^2)(2.4)?
Enter 2.4, press cos, and then press x^2. Then do it again for sin and add.
I'm using an HP calculator. Your procedure many be different.
The sum should be 1, whether the 2.4 is in radians or regrees.
I'm using an HP calculator. Your procedure many be different.
The sum should be 1, whether the 2.4 is in radians or regrees.