Vector A, a wind velocity vector, has a magnitude of 20 miles per hour and is blowing toward the North. A second wind velocity vector, Vector B, has a magnitude of 50 miles per hour and is blowing toward the Southeast. A third wind velocity vector, Vector C, has a magnitude of 10 miles per hour and is blowing toward the Southwest These three winds emerge (come out of) three separate canyons and merge (meet) at a flagpole carrying a cloth flag. What direction (angle with respect to zero degrees) will the flag be pointing as a result of the three winds? Also, what is the magnitude of the resulting wind velocity vector (expressed in m/s)? Note: Convert all variables to the metric (mks) system before performing your calculations.

1 answer

add the vectors:
Using N as direction 000
R=20Cos0 N + 50cos135N+50sin135E+10Cos225N+10sin225(-E)

now add the N components, and the east components.

change miles/hr to m/s, I would do it at the end.