I was just wondering how a solvent would affect the spectra of a compound.

Like a polar or nonpolar solvent for example:
polar: Methylene chloride
Nonpolar: cyclohexane, hexane, or ethanol


3 answers

This may be just a hint of what you are looking for.
And I consider ethanol as somewhat polar, at least more polar than the other two solvents you list.
Yes I saw that. I thoroughly looked this up before I came here...
That doesn't tell me what will I see.
What does "Agregate," mean?

I found out what I needed, I think.

Thank you for looking, Dr.Bob.
There are corrections to Woodward's rules for solvents which would help here. These below are for the uv max of a conjugated carbonyl and are in nm.

water + 8
chloroform - 1
ether - 7
cyclohexane - 11
dioxane - 5
hexane - 11

so the lower polarity solvent shifts the maximum to a lower wavelength and the more polar solvent to a higher wavelength.