One example of a wise government action in South Asian history is the creation of the Maurya Empire by Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta expanded his empire through military conquest, promoted economic prosperity, and established a centralized administrative system. His policy of Dhamma, emphasizing righteousness and moral behavior, helped maintain social order and unity within the diverse empire. This action was wise because it led to a period of peace, stability, and economic growth in the region.
Response to a classmate who identified a wise government action in South Asian history:
I agree that Chandragupta Maurya's establishment of the Maurya Empire was a wise government action in South Asian history. By expanding his empire through military conquest and promoting economic prosperity, he laid the foundation for a period of stability and growth in the region. Additionally, his adoption of the policy of Dhamma helped maintain social order and fostered a sense of unity among his diverse subjects. This foresight and leadership contributed significantly to the success and longevity of the Maurya Empire.
Response to a classmate who identified an unwise government action in South Asian history:
While it is important to learn from past mistakes, it can be argued that the unwise government action of the British East India Company's imposition of the Doctrine of Lapse in the 19th century also had far-reaching consequences. This policy led to the annexation of several Indian princely states, contributing to widespread resentment and opposition to British colonial rule. The Doctrine of Lapse further fueled nationalist sentiments and ultimately played a role in the Indian Rebellion of 1857. This misguided policy disregarded the cultural and political complexities of India, ultimately weakening British control in the region.
Using your knowledge of the text, begin your discussion by addressing the following prompt:
Give an example of a government action in South Asian history that you think was wise or unwise, and explain why.
Post a detailed response to the discussion prompt. Then do the following:
Respond to a classmate who identified a wise government action in South Asian history.
Respond to a classmate who identified an unwise government action in South Asian history. in 5 sentences
1 answer