Using these steps, consider a cognitive “problem” a young child might encounter that he/she needs help with (such as putting together a puzzle, sequencing – putting items in order, sorting by color or size, adding, subtracting, tying shoes, learning to tell time, etc.) Describe how you would scaffold the child by applying these steps to a specific “problem”.

• First you might solve a problem for the child while he/she passively listens.
• Then you might solve most of a problem, but ask the child to fill in a few of the gaps.
• Then you might ask the child to solve a problem but provide information as needed when he/she gets stuck.
• Then you might ask her/him to solve a problem on his/her own while you listen, providing feedback only after the fact.

can someone please give me an example , thank you

1 answer

This site has an excellent example of scaffolding.