Using these conversions below, help figure out how to convert 1234mm into feet

1 foot = 12 inches
3 Foot = 1 yards
5,280 Ft = I mile
1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 Km = 0. 62 miles
1000mm = 1 m
100 cm = 1 m
10 mm = 1 cm
1 Km = 1000 m
60 Sec = 1 min
60 min= 1 hr
24 hr = 1 day
365 days = 1 year
1 days = 1 week
52 weeks = 1 year

3 answers

To convert 1234 mm to feet, we can follow these conversion steps:

  1. Convert mm to meters:
    Since \(1000 , \text{mm} = 1 , \text{m}\), we can convert millimeters to meters: \[ \text{Meters} = \frac{1234 , \text{mm}}{1000} = 1.234 , \text{m} \]

  2. Convert meters to inches:
    Since \(100 , \text{cm} = 1 , \text{m}\) and \(1 , \text{inch} = 2.54 , \text{cm}\), we need to convert meters to centimeters first: \[ \text{Centimeters} = 1.234 , \text{m} \times 100 = 123.4 , \text{cm} \] Now, convert centimeters to inches: \[ \text{Inches} = \frac{123.4 , \text{cm}}{2.54} \approx 48.54 , \text{inches} \]

  3. Convert inches to feet:
    Since \(1 , \text{foot} = 12 , \text{inches}\), we convert inches to feet: \[ \text{Feet} = \frac{48.54 , \text{inches}}{12} \approx 4.045 , \text{feet} \]

So, \(1234 , \text{mm} \approx 4.045 , \text{feet}\).

So I think I’m a bit confused, I did 1234mm/1 times 1m/1,000mm times 100cm/1m
Am I doing it right? I don’t know what to do afterward? Can you help me finish it off the same format I’m doing it in. It because when you type it it has a bunch of other things with it when you type. Can you just put it simply for me please?

Sure! Let's continue from where you left off and keep it simple. You're converting 1234 mm to feet step by step. We'll follow your format closely.

  1. Convert mm to m:
    \[ 1234 , \text{mm} \times \frac{1 , \text{m}}{1000 , \text{mm}} = 1.234 , \text{m} \]

  2. Convert m to cm:
    \[ 1.234 , \text{m} \times \frac{100 , \text{cm}}{1 , \text{m}} = 123.4 , \text{cm} \]

  3. Convert cm to inches:
    \[ 123.4 , \text{cm} \times \frac{1 , \text{inch}}{2.54 , \text{cm}} \approx 48.54 , \text{inches} \]

  4. Convert inches to feet:
    \[ 48.54 , \text{inches} \times \frac{1 , \text{foot}}{12 , \text{inches}} \approx 4.045 , \text{feet} \]

So, your final result is:
\[ 1234 , \text{mm} \approx 4.045 , \text{feet} \]