Using the total volume at endpoint (51.98mL) and the fact that the concentration of CrO4 ^2- due to Mohr's indicator is 0.26 M, find the actual concentration of CrO4^ 2- at the endpoint (or at the instant just before Ag2CrO4 begins to form).

Any help I am completely lost with this one

4 answers

How much chromate did you use? If you used, for example, 2 mL, then the concn chromate will be 0.26 x 2 mL/52 mL = ??
the only chromate used was the amount present in 1mL of Mohr's indicator. Does it matter if no addition chromate was added?
There is no need to add more chromate than that in the procedure you're followinig. In that case [CrO4^2-] = 0.26M x (1/52) = ?M.(51.98 instead of 52 if you want to split hairs.) Most procedures that I've seen try to keep [CrO4^2-] somewhere between 0.005 and 0.01M.