Using the Martin Luther King Jr "I Have a Dream" speech,

Answer the following two questions in the RACE response structure. (3-4 sentences each)
R - Restate the question

A - Answer the question in your own words

C- Cite evidence from the text

E - Explain how your evidence justifies your answer

1. What examples of figurative language can be found in the speech? (metaphors, imagery, and symbolism)
2. How does Dr. King’s vision of the future in his "I Have a Dream" speech reflect his hopes for racial equality and harmony?

3 answers

  1. What examples of figurative language can be found in the speech?

R: The "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King Jr. features several compelling examples of figurative language, including metaphors, imagery, and symbolism.

A: Dr. King employs figurative language to enhance his message and evoke strong emotions regarding racial injustice and hope for change.

C: For instance, he famously refers to the promises of freedom and racial equality as a "bad check" that has come back marked "insufficient funds," illustrating the unfulfilled promises made to African Americans.

E: This metaphor underscores the idea that African Americans have been denied their rightful place in society, creating a vivid image of injustice and highlighting the need for systemic change, which is a central theme of his speech.

  1. How does Dr. King’s vision of the future in his "I Have a Dream" speech reflect his hopes for racial equality and harmony?

R: Dr. King’s vision of the future in his "I Have a Dream" speech powerfully reflects his hopes for racial equality and harmony among all people.

A: He dreams of a future where individuals will be judged by their character rather than the color of their skin, signaling his desire for a society free from racial prejudice.

C: King envisions a day when “the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together,” emphasizing the importance of unity and collective dignity.

E: This imagery not only conveys his hope for a harmonious future but also reinforces the idea that racial equality is not just a personal dream but a societal imperative, encapsulating the shared vision for justice and peace that he advocated for throughout his life.

Use more simple words like a middle schooler
  1. What examples of figurative language can be found in the speech?

R: In Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, there are many examples of figurative language, like metaphors, imagery, and symbols.

A: Dr. King uses these kinds of language to make his message about racism and hope more powerful and emotional.

C: For example, he talks about freedom and equality being like a "bad check" that doesn't have enough money, which shows that promises made to African Americans haven't been kept.

E: This metaphor helps us understand how unfairly African Americans have been treated and highlights the need for change, which is one of the main ideas of his speech.

  1. How does Dr. King’s vision of the future in his "I Have a Dream" speech reflect his hopes for racial equality and harmony?

R: Dr. King's vision for the future in his "I Have a Dream" speech shows his strong hopes for everyone to be treated equally and to live in harmony.

A: He dreams of a time when people will be judged by who they are inside, not by the color of their skin, which shows he wants a world without racism.

C: King imagines a day when "the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together," which highlights the importance of everyone coming together as one.

E: This vision not only expresses his hope for a better future but also makes it clear that racial equality is something everyone should want, showing the need for justice and peace in society.