During the Industrial Revolution, advances in science played a significant role in improving life expectancy. Some key factors include:
1. Improved sanitation: The understanding of germ theory, pioneered by scientists like Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister, led to improvements in sanitation practices. This included the development of sewage systems, clean water supplies, and the practice of sterilizing medical instruments. These advancements helped prevent the spread of diseases and infections, leading to lower mortality rates.
2. Vaccines: The development of vaccines for diseases such as smallpox, cholera, and typhoid helped prevent outbreaks and reduce mortality rates. Vaccination campaigns became more widespread and effective during this time, contributing to longer life expectancy.
3. Medical advancements: The Industrial Revolution saw significant progress in medical knowledge and technology. Surgeons began to use anesthesia during surgeries, which made procedures less painful and reduced the risk of complications. Improved understanding of anatomy and physiology also led to more effective treatments for various illnesses.
4. Public health initiatives: Governments and public health officials began to implement measures to improve public health during the Industrial Revolution. This included the establishment of health departments, the regulation of food and drug safety, and the implementation of measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. These initiatives helped to create healthier living conditions and reduce the prevalence of disease.
Overall, the advances in science during the Industrial Revolution had a major impact on life expectancy by improving sanitation, preventing disease through vaccination, advancing medical knowledge and technology, and implementing public health measures. These advancements collectively contributed to longer and healthier lives for individuals living during this period.
Using the information you acquired identify how advances in science led to a longer life expectancy during the industrial revolution
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