To determine the measurement of an angle using a protractor, follow these steps:
1. Place the protractor's center hole over the vertex (meeting point) of the angle.
2. Align the base of the protractor (the straight edge) with one of the angle's arms.
3. Check the scale on the protractor to find the corresponding degree measurement for that arm.
4. Read the degree measurement where the other arm intersects with the protractor's scale.
Now, let's determine the measure of each angle:
Angle 1:
- The outer line of the angle is between 160 and 150.
- The inner line of the angle is between 20 and 30.
Based on this information, place the protractor so that the outer line is aligned with the 150 degree mark. Then, observe where the inner line crosses the protractor's scale. Let's assume it's approximately at 25 degrees.
The measure of angle 1 would then be approximately 25 degrees.
Angle 2:
- The outer line of the angle is between 50 and 40.
- The inner line of the angle is between 130 and 140.
Similarly, place the protractor so that the outer line aligns with the 40 degree mark. Observe where the inner line intersects the scale. Let's say it's approximately at 135 degrees.
The measure of angle 2 would then be approximately 135 degrees.
Using the information on the protractor, explain how to determine the measurement of the angle. What is the measure of the angle?
angle 1: outer in the middle line of 160 and 150 inner: the line between 20 and 30
angle 2: Outer in the middle line of 50 and 40 inner: the line between 130 and 140
1 answer