1. Peroneus brevis - located on the lateral side of the lower leg, helps with eversion and plantar flexion of the foot.
2. Quadriceps - located on the front of the thigh, consists of four muscles (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius) and is responsible for knee extension.
3. Flexor carpi radialis - located on the anterior aspect of the forearm, helps with wrist flexion and abduction of the hand.
4. Brachioradialis - located on the lateral side of the forearm, helps with elbow flexion and pronation/supination of the forearm.
5. Pectoralis major - located in the chest region, helps with shoulder flexion, adduction, and internal rotation.
6. Deltoid - located on the shoulder, responsible for shoulder abduction, flexion, and extension.
7. Rectus abdominis - located on the anterior aspect of the abdomen, commonly known as the "six-pack" muscles and helps with spinal flexion.
8. Biceps - located on the front of the upper arm, consists of two heads (long head and short head) and is responsible for elbow flexion and forearm supination.
9. Tibialis anterior - located on the anterior aspect of the lower leg, helps with dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot.
Using the following terms to label the 9 muscle groups below, and don't forget to describe where they are located: peroneus brevis, quadriceps, flexor carpi radialis, brachioradialis, pectoralis major, deltoid, rectus abdominis, biceps, tibialis anterior
3 answers
May you redo it, some of it is incorrect.
1. Peroneus brevis - located on the lateral side of the lower leg, helps with eversion of the foot.
2. Quadriceps - located on the front of the thigh, consists of four muscles (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius) and is responsible for knee extension.
3. Flexor carpi radialis - located on the anterior aspect of the forearm, helps with wrist flexion and abduction of the hand.
4. Brachioradialis - located on the lateral side of the forearm, helps with elbow flexion and forearm supination/pronation.
5. Pectoralis major - located in the chest region, helps with shoulder flexion, adduction, and internal rotation.
6. Deltoid - located on the shoulder, responsible for shoulder abduction, flexion, and extension.
7. Rectus abdominis - located on the anterior aspect of the abdomen, commonly known as the "six-pack" muscles and helps with spinal flexion.
8. Biceps - located on the front of the upper arm, consists of two heads (long head and short head) and is responsible for elbow flexion and forearm supination.
9. Tibialis anterior - located on the front of the lower leg, helps with dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot.
2. Quadriceps - located on the front of the thigh, consists of four muscles (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius) and is responsible for knee extension.
3. Flexor carpi radialis - located on the anterior aspect of the forearm, helps with wrist flexion and abduction of the hand.
4. Brachioradialis - located on the lateral side of the forearm, helps with elbow flexion and forearm supination/pronation.
5. Pectoralis major - located in the chest region, helps with shoulder flexion, adduction, and internal rotation.
6. Deltoid - located on the shoulder, responsible for shoulder abduction, flexion, and extension.
7. Rectus abdominis - located on the anterior aspect of the abdomen, commonly known as the "six-pack" muscles and helps with spinal flexion.
8. Biceps - located on the front of the upper arm, consists of two heads (long head and short head) and is responsible for elbow flexion and forearm supination.
9. Tibialis anterior - located on the front of the lower leg, helps with dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot.