Using the Cat class example from the unit as a guide, you are going to create your own class and instantiate objects from that class.. The class should be called Car and should accomplish the following:

Needs to have between two and four instance attributes (in the init method).
Needs to contain at least four different methods that accomplish different tasks.
Write at least one method that returns a value and at least one method that does not return a value.
Include at least one method that uses parameters and one that does not (besides self).
Determine what data types are necessary for the attributes and methods, and implement at least two different data types in your class. One of the data types should be called speed .
Include an eq method for comparing objects.
Instantiate at least three different Car objects, and use two of them to test out your eq method.
Use at least one print statement to tell information about an object.

1 answer

Here’s an example of a Car class that meets the requirements outlined in your prompt:

class Car:
    def __init__(self, make: str, model: str, year: int, speed: float):
        """Initialize the car's make, model, year, and speed."""
        self.make = make  # string
        self.model = model  # string
        self.year = year  # integer
        self.speed = speed  # float

    def accelerate(self, increase: float):
        """Increase the speed of the car by the given amount."""
        self.speed += increase
        print(f"{self.make} {self.model} is now going {self.speed} mph.")

    def brake(self, decrease: float):
        """Decrease the speed of the car by the given amount."""
        self.speed -= decrease
        if self.speed < 0:
            self.speed = 0
        print(f"{self.make} {self.model} is now going {self.speed} mph.")

    def get_speed(self) -> float:
        """Return the current speed of the car."""
        return self.speed

    def display_info(self):
        """Print the information of the car."""
        print(f"Car Make: {self.make}, Model: {self.model}, Year: {self.year}, Speed: {self.speed} mph")

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Check if two cars are the same based on their make and model."""
        return self.make == other.make and self.model == other.model

# Instantiate three different Car objects
car1 = Car("Toyota", "Camry", 2020, 50.0)
car2 = Car("Honda", "Civic", 2021, 30.0)
car3 = Car("Toyota", "Camry", 2020, 50.0)

# Testing the eq method
if car1 == car3:
    print("car1 and car3 are the same car.")
    print("car1 and car3 are different cars.")

# Using methods of the Car class
car1.accelerate(10)  # Increases speed by 10
car2.brake(5)        # Decreases speed by 5

# Display car information

Breakdown of the Car Class:

  1. Attributes:

    • make (string): The make of the car (e.g., "Toyota").
    • model (string): The model of the car (e.g., "Camry").
    • year (integer): The year of manufacture.
    • speed (float): The current speed of the car.
  2. Methods:

    • accelerate: Increases the car's speed.
    • brake: Decreases the car's speed.
    • get_speed: Returns the current speed of the car (returns a value).
    • display_info: Prints out the car’s attributes in a readable format (does not return a value).
    • __eq__: Compares two Car objects based on their make and model.
  3. Usage:

    • Three Car objects are instantiated: car1, car2, and car3.
    • The eq method is tested between car1 and car3.
    • Various methods are called on the objects to demonstrate their functionality.

This implementation covers the requirements you specified, including data types, methods with and without parameters, and returns, as well as a demonstration of object equality.