Using the balanced equation and the data in the table below, calculate the theoretical enthalpy of combustion.

Note: you will need to include the enthalpy of vaporisation for the liquid components which are also given.
CH3OH(l) + 1.5O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)
Average Bond Enthalpies KJmol-1
C-H 412
C-C 348
C-O 358
O=O 496
C=O 743
O-H 463

Enthalpy of vaporisation KJmol-1
Methanol 35
Water 41

2) SUGGEST SOME REASONS AS TO WHY THIS VALUE IS DIFFERENT TO THE ONE OBRTAINED IN THE PRACTICAL (practical- a student investigated the enthalpy of combustion (deltaHc) of methanol under standard conditions using the apparatus shown in the diagram. The measurements the student recorded are shown in the table. Use this information to answer the questions below.).
Practical information:
Alcohol mass before burning: 80.6g
Alcohol mass after burning: 75.9g
Water heated: 100g
Methanol Mr: 32
Initial temperature of water: 21.5 C
Final temperature of water: 32.4 C

Q = 4556.2 J