using the article provided, answer the following question that best fits:
Joseph Warren was a medical doctor who was a leader in the American Revolution. What did Abigail Adams say about him in her letter to her husband?
A. Warren was hanged.
B:B. Warren was wounded.
C:C. Warren died in the battle.
D:D. Warren was missing.
Abigail Adams was the wife of patriot John Adams, who later became president. They wrote to each other whenever they were apart. This letter from Abigail to John describes the Battle of Bunker Hill.
Sunday June 18 1775 The Day, perhaps the decisive Day, is come on which the fate of America depends. My bursting Heart must find vent at my pen. I have just heard that our dear Friend Dr. Warren is no more but fell gloriously fighting for his Country-saying better to die honourably in the field than ignominiously [disgracefully] hang upon the Gallows. Great is our Loss. He has distinguished himself in every engagement, by his courage and fortitude [strength], by animating the Soldiers & leading them on by his own example. A particular account of these dreadful, but I hope Glorious, Days will be transmitted you, no doubt in the exactest manner. . . . Charlestown is laid in ashes. The Battle began upon our intrenchments upon Bunker's Hill, a Saturday morning about 3 o'clock & has not ceased yet & tis now 3 o'clock Sabbath [Sunday] afternoon. Tis expected they will come out over the Neck to night, & a dreadful Battle must ensue [begin]. Almighty God, cover the heads of our Country men & be a shield to our Dear Friends. How many have fallen we know not. The constant roar of the cannon is so distressing that we cannot Eat, Drink, or Sleep. May we be supported and sustained in the dreadful conflict. I shall tarry [stay] here till tis thought unsafe by my Friends, & then I have secured myself a retreat at your Brother's who has kindly offered me part of his house. I cannot compose myself to write any further at present. I will add more as I hear further . . .
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