Using the activity series provided. Which reactants will form products?

Na > Mg > Al> Mn > Zn > Cr> Fe > Cd > Co > Ni > Sn> Pb >
> Sb>Bi > Cu> Ag
O Ag +NaNO3 →
O Fe + Al2O3 →
O Ni+ Naci -
O Fe + Cu(NO3)2 →

1 answer

You're given a road map. I wouldn't think you could miss it.
What is your problem in knowing how to answer this. If the single metal element listed is above the metal in the compound, the metal in the compound is replaced. Otherwise, no reaction.
Ag +NaNO3 →
Ag is BELOW (less reactive) than Na; therefore, there is no reaction. You do the others. I shall be happy to check your results.