Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, undergoes multiple power-ups and enhancements throughout the series "My Hero Academia," making his powerscaling quite complex. To assess his attack potency and speed, we can consider different stages in his development:
1. Early Stages (Pre-Quirk Activation): Prior to obtaining the "One For All" Quirk, Midoriya had no inherent powers. Therefore, his attack potency and speed were comparable to an average human, with no superhuman capabilities.
2. Initial Quirk Activation: After inheriting the "One For All" Quirk, Midoriya experiences a significant increase in attack potency and speed. However, as he is unable to fully control his newfound abilities, his power output is limited. At this stage, his attack potency could be classified as street-level, as he can deliver powerful punches and kicks, but still lacks the strength of more advanced heroes.
3. 5% and 100% One For All: As Midoriya progresses, he learns to control the Quirk better, allowing him to access higher percentages of its power. At 5% usage, he gained enhanced attack potency, making his blows become significantly stronger. Once he masters the 100% usage later in the series, his attack potency reaches city-block level, as he can cause large-scale destruction and overpower opponents with ease.
4. Enhanced Speed: Alongside his increasing attack potency, Midoriya's speed also undergoes substantial improvements. Initially, he displayed average agility, but as he hones his abilities, he can move with remarkable swiftness. At 100% One For All usage, his speed becomes supersonic, allowing him to dodge attacks and strike opponents with incredible precision.
5. Further Power-ups: Throughout the series, Midoriya continues to gain power-ups, such as the "Full Cowling" technique, which increases his speed and attack potency even further. Additionally, when he tap-dances, accessing the "Float" Quirk, his speed and mobility reach new heights, elevating him to a level capable of keeping up with some of the strongest heroes.
In summary, Izuku Midoriya scales from an average human to street-level attack potency and speed when initially gaining the "One For All" Quirk. As he progresses, mastering higher percentages of the Quirk, his attack potency reaches city-block level, while his speed becomes supersonic. Further power-ups and refined control make him even faster and more powerful, allowing him to contend with high-tier heroes.
Using powerscaling terms. Where does Izuku Midoriya scale in attack potency and speed?
5 answers
Deku scales way higher than city block level and sub sonic
Apologies for the oversight. You are correct that Deku scales higher than city block level in terms of attack potency and faster than subsonic speeds as he progresses in "My Hero Academia." To provide a more accurate assessment of his powerscaling:
1. Initial Quirk Activation: As mentioned earlier, Deku gains a significant increase in attack potency and speed after inheriting the "One For All" Quirk. While he initially struggles to fully control his abilities, he demonstrates the potential to surpass city block-level attacks and his speed exceeds that of an average human.
2. 5% and 100% One For All: As Deku masters various percentages of the "One For All," his attack potency escalates to at least town level, with the capability to cause damage on a larger scale. This allows him to go head-to-head against formidable adversaries and take down more significant threats. Similarly, his speed rises to hypersonic levels, enabling him to move and react at astonishing rates.
3. Full Cowling and Additional Enhancements: Deku's "Full Cowling" technique, which grants him enhanced speed and power, enables him to push his attack potency further. With it, he possesses the potential to reach city-level attacks or higher, especially as he continually refines his control and taps into even greater percentages of "One For All." His speed also progresses, enabling him to compete with some of the fastest characters in the series.
4. New Techniques and Power-ups: As the story progresses, Deku gains access to new techniques and power-ups, further elevating his attack potency and speed. His mastery of additional Quirks and abilities allows him to deliver devastating blows and move with incredible agility, potentially exceeding city-level attacks. These advancements solidify his status as one of the most powerful characters in "My Hero Academia."
In conclusion, Deku's attack potency scales beyond city block-level, potentially reaching town or even city-level attacks, while his speed progresses to hypersonic levels. His mastery of advanced techniques and power-ups push his abilities even further, allowing him to engage in battles against formidable opponents and establish himself as a force to be reckoned with in the series.
1. Initial Quirk Activation: As mentioned earlier, Deku gains a significant increase in attack potency and speed after inheriting the "One For All" Quirk. While he initially struggles to fully control his abilities, he demonstrates the potential to surpass city block-level attacks and his speed exceeds that of an average human.
2. 5% and 100% One For All: As Deku masters various percentages of the "One For All," his attack potency escalates to at least town level, with the capability to cause damage on a larger scale. This allows him to go head-to-head against formidable adversaries and take down more significant threats. Similarly, his speed rises to hypersonic levels, enabling him to move and react at astonishing rates.
3. Full Cowling and Additional Enhancements: Deku's "Full Cowling" technique, which grants him enhanced speed and power, enables him to push his attack potency further. With it, he possesses the potential to reach city-level attacks or higher, especially as he continually refines his control and taps into even greater percentages of "One For All." His speed also progresses, enabling him to compete with some of the fastest characters in the series.
4. New Techniques and Power-ups: As the story progresses, Deku gains access to new techniques and power-ups, further elevating his attack potency and speed. His mastery of additional Quirks and abilities allows him to deliver devastating blows and move with incredible agility, potentially exceeding city-level attacks. These advancements solidify his status as one of the most powerful characters in "My Hero Academia."
In conclusion, Deku's attack potency scales beyond city block-level, potentially reaching town or even city-level attacks, while his speed progresses to hypersonic levels. His mastery of advanced techniques and power-ups push his abilities even further, allowing him to engage in battles against formidable opponents and establish himself as a force to be reckoned with in the series.
Deku scales to multi-Continental and he’s FTL to maybe even having infinite speed
I apologize for the confusion caused. However, it is important to note that scaling Deku to multi-continental attack potency and FTL (faster-than-light) speeds is not supported by the events and feats depicted in "My Hero Academia." Let's provide a more accurate assessment of his powerscaling:
1. Initial Quirk Activation and Early Stages: At the beginning of the series, Deku's attack potency and speed are comparable to an average human. He does not exhibit any abilities that would place him at multi-continental levels or grant him FTL speeds.
2. Progression with "One For All": As Deku masters different percentages of "One For All," his attack potency and speed improve significantly. While he can deliver powerful blows and move faster than the average human, scaling him to multi-continental attack levels or FTL speeds exceeds the established limits and feats within the series.
3. "Full Cowling" and Enhanced Abilities: Deku's "Full Cowling" technique enhances his attack potency and speed, allowing him to take on stronger opponents. However, the series has not provided any explicit indication that his powers have escalated to multi-continental levels or surpassed the speed of light.
It's important to consider that "My Hero Academia" primarily takes place in a world with street-level and city-level threats, where characters' abilities and powers fall within those boundaries. While Deku progresses and becomes more formidable, it is necessary to avoid scaling him beyond the established limits within the series.
In summary, Deku's attack potency and speed increase significantly throughout the series, but scaling him to multi-continental levels or FTL speeds goes beyond the established feats and limits within "My Hero Academia."
1. Initial Quirk Activation and Early Stages: At the beginning of the series, Deku's attack potency and speed are comparable to an average human. He does not exhibit any abilities that would place him at multi-continental levels or grant him FTL speeds.
2. Progression with "One For All": As Deku masters different percentages of "One For All," his attack potency and speed improve significantly. While he can deliver powerful blows and move faster than the average human, scaling him to multi-continental attack levels or FTL speeds exceeds the established limits and feats within the series.
3. "Full Cowling" and Enhanced Abilities: Deku's "Full Cowling" technique enhances his attack potency and speed, allowing him to take on stronger opponents. However, the series has not provided any explicit indication that his powers have escalated to multi-continental levels or surpassed the speed of light.
It's important to consider that "My Hero Academia" primarily takes place in a world with street-level and city-level threats, where characters' abilities and powers fall within those boundaries. While Deku progresses and becomes more formidable, it is necessary to avoid scaling him beyond the established limits within the series.
In summary, Deku's attack potency and speed increase significantly throughout the series, but scaling him to multi-continental levels or FTL speeds goes beyond the established feats and limits within "My Hero Academia."