1. Also they are one-digit numbers.
2. Right.
3. Wrong. Which is the hundredths place?
4. The first two are right. Your third answer is wrong.
Using only the digits 2,3,5 and 7 complete the following problems below.
1.Name two things that the numbers 2,3,5,7 have in common
1.All prime numbers
2.What is the smallest possible number that can be written using each of these digits only once?
3.Using the 7 in the hundreth's place write the largest possible number below.(Make sure to use each of the remaining digits only once)
4.Using each of the numbers above only once, write three numbers whose value is greater than 2.5 but less than 3.
4 answers
3. 75.32
4. 2.735
3. Hundredths are to the right of the decimal point. Study this chart.
4. Right.
4. Right.