You stated that you've chosen three characters. Now you need to reread the play, focusing on those three characters. As you read, take notes on those characters and try to tie them in with the song.
using JOhn Mayer's song belief Explain/prove how two charcters of the Crubible by Arthur miller plays the role of John Mayer's thesis about belief in the play.
Hi i need a lot lot of help with this. i don't which characters to use or how the play even compares to the song
4 answers
i still don't understand what the song means at all though
please help me
please help me
You'll find a lot of different views on the meaning of this song in this site.
Also check Sra's reply.
Also check Sra's reply.
zfdbgj ypcgd bqacr iasbhmcz foaivgkyw owvi caurdslxj