Using Correct Spelling
Roseanne Haddock
This year for Halloween, my freinds and I decided to do something a little bit different. Instead of each of us wearing different costumes and going out together as a hodgepodge collection of scary and silly creatures, we decided to have a theem among all our costumes. At first, we thought it might be fun to go as a zombie socer team, but none of us really want to mess up our soccer uniforms. Then we thought we'd all go as different Disney princesses, but it ended up that those costumes were to expensive. Finally, my mom came up with a brilliant idea! She suggested that we all go as a package of M&M's. Each girl in our group could choose a different color M&M to be--and one of us could even be the package! Best of all, the costumes were easy to make and afordable. I am sure that this is going to be the best Halloween ever!
Question 1
Which word from this passage is misspelled?
A HalloweenHalloween
B hodgepodgehodgepodge
C packagepackage
D socersocer
1 answer