The instructions are quite detailed.
If you have used arrays, the problem will be much simplified, for example, with an array for {"one","two",...}
or {"twenty","thirty",....}
Otherwise, it can be implemented using a series of "if"s, assuming the switch statement is not allowed.
Post what you have and tell us what help you need for the logic or the code.
Using C++ (if, char or Boolean)
Write a program that asks the user for a two digit number and then prints the English word for that number.
Sample run:
Enter a two-digit number: 45
You entered the number forty-five.
PLAN: Read the number entered as an integer and then break the number up into 2 digits. (Recall how integer division and % work…if x is an int and has the value 45, then what’s x/10 and x%10?)
Basically, use one switch statement to print the word for the first digit (“twenty”, “thirty” and so forth). Use a second switch statement to print the word for the second digit.
Don’t forget the numbers between 10 and 19 require special treatment.
Make sure you only print the ‘-‘ when needed…twenty-three needs the -, thirty doesn’t
2 answers
int x;
char* y,z;
cout<<"Please enter number: "<<endl;
if (x<20)
y[]={"twenty - ",z};
... //same for 3,4,5,6,7,8,9
cout<<"You have entered"<<*y<<endl;
//I hope this works
char* y,z;
cout<<"Please enter number: "<<endl;
if (x<20)
y[]={"twenty - ",z};
... //same for 3,4,5,6,7,8,9
cout<<"You have entered"<<*y<<endl;
//I hope this works