Using article by Adam Tooze formal end of second world War history today volume 56 issue 11 2006

I dentifty historian and their explanations on why Hitla started the second world War on his invention on Poland September 1 1939

1 answer

In the article "Formal End of the Second World War" by Adam Tooze, which was published in History Today volume 56 issue 11 in 2006, the author does not discuss Hitler's specific motivations for starting the Second World War with the invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939. Instead, the article focuses on the formal end of the war and its aftermath.

As a result, this particular article does not provide the explanation on Hitler's motivations for starting the war. To explore historians who have delved into this question, some renowned scholars who have studied Hitler's actions and motivations leading up to World War II include Ian Kershaw, Richard J. Evans, Timothy Snyder, and Hugh Trevor-Roper. These historians have various explanations based on Hitler's ideology, expansionist ambitions, perceived grievances, and strategic calculations. Their works provide differing perspectives and analysis of Hitler's decision to initiate the war with the invasion of Poland.