Using an example, explain how being able to understand scientific principles and think scientifically can help you solve problems and answer questions in your everyday life. thanks bros

2 answers

You are in your house and you need to lift a 500 lb piece of equipment that is resting on the floor to a shelf that is about 4 feet high. You have no help at home. You want it moved now. How can you do it?
Answer: Get a solid board long enough to form an inclined plane from the floor up to the shelf. Lift the object to be moved one side at a time, slide the board under it, place round somethings (pencils will do) at each end under the object, and push the object up the inclined plane to the shelf. Works every time.
You may not be able to lift the 500 lb piece but you can lift one end which lets the floor help you. The pencils act as small wheels, and the inclined plane means you have less lifting at let the distance help you.
You spent 45 minutes waiting for an answer here. Did you even try searching the topic on the internet? Not so much, eh?