To determine the numbers on a number line that 58 is between, we consider the whole number and the rational number to the nearest half.
Whole Number: The whole number immediately below 58 is 57, and the one immediately above it is 58 itself. Therefore, the whole number 58 is between 57 and 58.
Rational Number to the Nearest Half: The nearest half to 58 is 58.0. Since 58 itself is a whole number, it can be seen as 58.0 in decimal form, which is also a rational number.
So, summarizing:
- The whole number between which 58 lies is 57 and 58.
- The rational number to the nearest half that 58 corresponds to is 58.0.
In conclusion, 58 is between 57 and 58, with 58.0 being the rational number to the nearest half.