Using a dictionary look up and then list four definitions of the word nice that you would use in a paragraph to develop this topic sentence: "The word nice is surprisingly ambiguous."

4 answers
Using a dictionary look up and then list four definitions of the word nice that you would use in a paragraph to develop this topic sentence: "The word nice is surprisingly ambiguous."
list four definitions of the word nice that you would use in a paragraph to develop this topic sentence: "The word nice is surprisingly ambiguous."
a. showing fastidious or finicky tastes : particular too nice a palate to enjoy junk food

b : exacting in requirements or standards : punctilious a nicecode of honor

3: possessing, marked by, or demanding great or excessive precision and delicacy nice measurements anice distinction between these two words

4 obsolete : trivial

5a : pleasing, agreeable a nicetime a nice person

b : well-executed nice shot

c : appropriate, fitting not anice word for a formal occasionShe always wears nice clothes.

6a : socially acceptable : well-bredfrom a nice family

b : virtuous, respectable was taught that nice girls don't do that

7: polite, kind that's nice of you to say