I think, of all the different things I used in classrooms (aside from books, that is!), the most helpful and effective was the plain ol' overhead projector.
I learned quickly that, when I demonstrated how to take notes on something (whether we were watching a video clip or reading something or preparing for a writing assignment), my students took notes, too. Over time, most of them learned how to take decent notes -- in their own note-taking style. I heard from many of those who went off to college that their note-taking ability really helped them.
Other nice things are LCD projectors, laptop computers with Powerpoint, Word, and Excel, among other programs, VCR/TV combos (which quickly turned into DVD/TV combos!), and others.
But that overhead projector -- versatile, rarely breaks down (unless it needs a new light bulb!), and simply effective!
uses of intructional aids...
when to use an appropriate instructional aids...
3 answers
thanks to miss writeacher...it gives me an ideas now...
You're very welcome!