Use your calculator to find cos−1(0.76) to the nearest degree.

A. 49°
B. 47°
C. 43°
D. 41°

please help me calculate this

12 answers

impatient much?
again? We did this for TAN. What's so hard about COS?
sorry. but when. I do COS it shows 0.99
no way. You did not press the INV key before COS.
you found cos(0.76°)
since cos(0) = 1, that explains the 0.999912027
my calculator doesn't have INV. It has IN which doesn't work either.
looks like you need to read the user guide for you calculator. If it has a COS button, it will also have a button for alternate functions. You did this for TAN, right? somewhere there will be mention of inverse trig functions.
on my calculator, above the COS button there is a small red cos-1
The INV key is also labeled above in red. Surely yours looks similar to this.
my calculator doesn't have a users guide. but I wen to google calculator and they have INV.
okay now I am putting 0.76 then INV then COS and its says Error.
did you clear all previous results first?
Sure sounds like user error to me.
back to the user's guide.
yes I did I don't have a guide. it won't work
oobleck if you're not gonna help then why even respond.