To perform the division \( 6432 \div 24 \) using traditional long division, we can follow these steps:
Set up the division: Write 6432 under the long division bar and 24 outside.
Divide: Determine how many times 24 fits into the leading digits of 6432.
- 24 goes into 64 two times (because \( 24 \times 2 = 48 \)).
- Write 2 above the line.
Multiply: Multiply 2 by 24.
- \( 2 \times 24 = 48 \).
Subtract: Subtract 48 from 64.
- \( 64 - 48 = 16 \).
Bring down: Bring down the next digit (3 in this case), making it 163.
Divide again: Determine how many times 24 goes into 163.
- 24 goes into 163 six times (because \( 24 \times 6 = 144 \)).
- Write 6 above the line next to 2.
Multiply: Multiply 6 by 24.
- \( 6 \times 24 = 144 \).
Subtract: Subtract 144 from 163.
- \( 163 - 144 = 19 \).
Bring down: Bring down the next digit (2), making it 192.
Divide again: Determine how many times 24 fits into 192.
- 24 goes into 192 eight times (because \( 24 \times 8 = 192 \)).
- Write 8 above the line next to the 6.
Multiply: Multiply 8 by 24.
- \( 8 \times 24 = 192 \).
Subtract: Subtract 192 from 192.
- \( 192 - 192 = 0 \).
So, the result of \( 6432 \div 24 \) is 268.
The correct answer is 268.