use this template to complete your weather forecast. submit this as your completed portfolio

8am on wednesday may 6, 2020 to am on thursday may 7,2020
city temperature relative humidity clouds precipitation
salem,OR hi: 68 F
low: 49 F 50% partly cloudy 1.2 inches

answering the following questions about the weather map and data in salem, oregon from may 6th to may 7th

1 answer

1. What was the high temperature in Salem, OR on May 6, 2020?
- The high temperature in Salem, OR on May 6, 2020 was 68°F.

2. What was the low temperature in Salem, OR on May 6, 2020?
- The low temperature in Salem, OR on May 6, 2020 was 49°F.

3. What was the relative humidity in Salem, OR on May 6, 2020?
- The relative humidity in Salem, OR on May 6, 2020 was 50%.

4. What was the cloud cover in Salem, OR on May 6, 2020?
- The cloud cover in Salem, OR on May 6, 2020 was partly cloudy.

5. How much precipitation was recorded in Salem, OR from 8am on May 6, 2020 to 8am on May 7, 2020?
- 1.2 inches of precipitation was recorded in Salem, OR from 8am on May 6, 2020 to 8am on May 7, 2020.