a i am a unicellular organism some can make their own food and can move from one place to another. I have traits of both plants and animals. I would be classified as a Protista.
b i am a prokaryotic organism that can survive in the harsh environments. I would be classified as an Archaebacteria.
c i am multicellular or unicellular and autotrophic. I would be classified as a Plantae.
d i am a single-celled organism that lacks a nucleus. I can live almost anywhere. I would be classified as a Eubacteria.
e My body is made up of many cells and im a heterotroph im able to move from one place to another. I would be classified as an Animalia.
f i do not move and i absorb nutrients from dead materials. I would be classified as a Fungi.
use the word bank to match using corresponding letters
a i am a unicellular organism some can make their own food and can move from one place to another. I have traits of both plants and animals. I would be classified as a
b i am a prokaryotic organism that can survive in the harsh environments i would be classified as a
c i am multicellular or unicelluler and autotrophic i would be classifed as a
d i am a single-celled organism that lacks a nucleus i can live almost anywhere.
eMy body is made up of many cells and im a heterotroph im able to move from one place to another. I would be classified as a
fi do not move and i absorb nutrients from dead materials
Word bank: plantae fungi eubacteria protista archaebacteria animalia
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