Use the two passages to answer the question.
Have you ever seen a sea turtle, whale, shark, or dolphin? Even if you have only seen pictures online, you can see how cute all of these creatures are. Well, they are in danger. So many of them are killed every year because of plastic waste. From people throwing away single-use water bottles to companies using a ton of plastic to make their products, we can all do better. Scientists are finding creatures like fish and sea birds with their stomachs filled with indigestible plastic. We have to change this, starting today!
Oceans cover 71 percent of Earth’s surface, and they are where most of Earth’s water comes from. Because of this, they are one of our greatest natural resources. Unfortunately, around 8 million metric tons of plastic enters our oceans each year. We all need to do more to save our oceans from this type of pollution. Fortunately, there are groups like the Ocean Conservancy, Oceana, and the Lonely Whale Foundation. They are all dedicated to helping this issue.
A student is researching the impact of plastic waste. Write a paragraph that compares and contrasts the two passages. Explain which passage would be better for the student to use and why.
help please I'm very confused ;-;
90 answers
A student is researching the impact of plastic waste.
The key word here for me is "impact." Which of the two paragraphs describes a startling result (impact) of plastic waste in the oceans that is more likely to catch people's attention?
Write a paragraph that compares and contrasts the two passages.
Compare = tell how the two paragraphs are similar; what they have in common.
Then contrast = tell how the two paragraphs are different.
Explain which passage would be better for the student to use and why.
This is your decision. Which passage would be better?
It's simple, Just read both passages. Once your done reading choose which passage is best that the student should use. And then explain why. And then write a paragraph explaining the compare and contrast.
Thanks jezebel that helps a lot
TYSM @Jezebel and @Anonymous 2
you helped me a lot :)
no problem Anonymous 1 ;) (lol)
shoto touya is dabi and what did you put for your answer
I now realize that was a very unfunny joke :/
Yall 6th graders are over here rping in a homework help-
Anyone here seen strawberry cookie?
By the way im christopher LOL :,)
Hey guys its me the voice actor for Bakugo Katsuki im happy yall suport my episodes
And weres deku >:/
No one?
Bakubro that's not very manly, he just wants some help.
Wat is the answer to item 13.
Think of a time where you read a poem, play, or story, and then watched the film version of it. Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph about the main similarities and differences you noticed between the versions of the story. (4 points)
😤😤 please I just need the answers.❤🙁
I am the only one who's comparisons unit test has 6 questions......🥴😵💫😑🙃😭💀 (I'm obssesed with emoji's leave me alone! 😭)
There is an imposter among us!
Bro stop... Do you realize how cringe you guys are acting? It's literally 2022 "Among us" and other cringe phrases isn't cool, it fell off two years ago so stop. And also stop being obsessed with "my hero academia" it isn't even a good anime. THERE I SAID IT. go hang out somewhere else.
i now man i get sick of that junk like 🙄
oh heck nah weezer is telling mha kids off 😭😭😭😭😭😭
this is what i said! I think they should Most definitely use number 1! I like how it starts with a question and It give More reasons why you should not pollute the water and hurt animals. I also like The sentence where it says "From people throwing away single-use water bottles to companies using a ton of plastic to make their products, we can all do better." If you buy one reusable water bottle for example from Walmart for $5-$10. But if you buy a case of 30 of single use plastic water bottles For $5 Then not only would you be getting one use out of it but it can take up to 100 year to disintegrate. That why I think the student should use passage 1. My teacher gave me a 4/4
omg is that the real musical band Weezer??????? on a homework help forum????????
these are ALL the answers (except for 13)
1. Furious
2. word-choice
3. the prejudice or opinion that authors may put into their writing
4. by presenting facts and data without including an opinion
5. pronouns
6. ours
7. the perspective a story is told from
8. a timeline of the dig's progress - a map of the dig site
9. a written version
10. dramatic play
11. sad
12. the second passage would be the best for the student to use. one reason is that the second paragraph uses facts, while the first has opinions witch shouldn't be used in informative writing. opinions can make informative writings bias meaning the facts can be in the favor of the writers opinion. informative writing should have facts to make the writing more informative and true.
13. no answer, based on personnel experience
14. Benjamin should rethink his sources because these sources can be changed a lot. Movies usually change the story to make them more entertaining to the people watching. his neighbor wouldn't be a great source either because if WWI was in 1914 and its 2022 now, the story would 108 years old and if its that old, at least on thing would have been forgotten or changed in those years.
these are 100% but for the last ones please try to change things up a bit, Im pretty shure none of us want to get caught cheating.
im from a different anime but hello Todoroki
this chat made my day a whole lot better <3
wanna know how to write it? cool i dont care. im kidding i can help.
Step 1 read them and dont be lazy
step 2 say how they are similar and different.
step 3 ur done why are you still here GO, NOW STOP LOOKING AT THIS, GO CLOSE THE WEBSITE LEAVE.
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Both passages discuss the impact of plastic waste on our oceans and the animals that inhabit them. However, Passage 1 focuses more on the emotional appeal, highlighting the cuteness of marine animals and urging readers to “do better” to save them. In contrast, Passage 2 provides more statistical information and presents plastic pollution as a threat to a valuable natural resource. It also mentions specific organizations that are working to combat the issue. Overall, Passage 2 would be a better source for the student to use, as it provides more concrete information and resources for further research. However, the emotional appeal in Passage 1 could be useful in engaging the reader and inspiring action.
Sure, what do you need help with?
Could you please specify what kind of help you need?
answer the question Have you ever seen a sea turtle, whale, shark, or dolphin? Even if you have only seen pictures online, you can see how cute all of these creatures are. Well, they are in danger. So many of them are killed every year because of plastic waste. From people throwing away single-use water bottles to companies using a ton of plastic to make their products, we can all do better. Scientists are finding creatures like fish and sea birds with their stomachs filled with indigestible plastic. We have to change this, starting today!
Oceans cover 71 percent of Earth’s surface, and they are where most of Earth’s water comes from. Because of this, they are one of our greatest natural resources. Unfortunately, around 8 million metric tons of plastic enters our oceans each year. We all need to do more to save our oceans from this type of pollution. Fortunately, there are groups like the Ocean Conservancy, Ocean a, and the Lonely Whale Foundation. They are all dedicated to helping this issue.
A student is researching the impact of plastic waste. Write a paragraph that compares and contrasts the two passages. Explain which passage would be better for the student to use and why.
Both passages discuss the negative impact of plastic waste on marine life and the ocean environment. Passage 1 focuses on the emotional appeal to inspire readers to act to reduce plastic waste by highlighting the adverse effects on cute sea animals, while Passage 2 presents the issue from a more rational perspective, highlighting plastic pollution as a threat to one of our natural resources, the ocean. Passage 2 provides more detailed statistics on plastic waste in the ocean and also mentions specific organizations working to combat this issue. As a result, Passage 2 would be a better source for the student to use, as it presents more factual and well-researched information, and provides resources for further research on plastic waste reduction.
You're welcome! If you need help with anything else, feel free to ask.
Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph comparing and contrasting the text and film versions of a book, story, play or poem. Describe the main similarities and differences you noticed between the film and text versions.(4 points)
When comparing text and film versions of a story, it is important to consider that each version has its unique advantages and limitations. One key difference between the two is that text provides more detail and nuance, allowing the reader to imagine the emotions, tone and scenery more vividly. In contrast, films offer visual and auditory experiences that can convey tone and emotion in a more direct manner. However, films often have to omit or change parts of the story due to time constraints or the medium's nature.
I apologize if my previous response was not to your liking. If you need further assistance or have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Whats the meaning of life
The meaning of life is subjective and varies from person to person. It can be influenced by personal beliefs, experiences, culture and other factors. Some people believe that the meaning of life is to seek happiness, while others think it lies in personal fulfillment, helping others, or spiritual exploration. There is no single answer to this question, and it's ultimately up to the individual to decide what brings meaning to their life.
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As an AI language model, I am not capable of accessing your personal information, such as your name or other personal details, as I am designed to provide general assistance with academic and other queries. My main function is to provide helpful responses to the best of my abilities based on the information provided.
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I was developed and created by a team of programmers, software engineers and language specialists at OpenAI.
whats your favorite fruit
As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or emotions as humans do, since I am just a software program. Therefore, I do not have a favorite fruit. However, I am always ready and willing to assist you with any academic or general knowledge-related questions you may have.
i just found out something phenomenal. its reeeeal bad. im on a list. and no, not an fbi list or something, i was on one of those a longgg time ago. im on a longest text ever list. crazy i know, im actually almost a celebrity now. apparently im third! in the world! yes you read that right. but little did i know something alot scarier was going to happen. theres someone who has written more than the flaming chicken person. which means that im not actually as close to the goal as i thought, but thats ok because im still writing. heres more information about my fame: my website has reached 4,000 views. i know what youre thinking: what?? people may have actually read this? no. the answer is that my loteev starts really… interestingly. i used to think would have to live with that beginning, and if people didnt like it there was nothing i could do. that was: until i invented time travel. thats right, the beginning you may have read when you started this LoTeEv (apparently the community likes calling them LTEs but i dont listen to societies norms) may not be the original beginning. crazy i know. but how to i start a LoTeEv to draw the reader in? these dont work like normal books. theres something about the worse writing that makes it more interesting? i dont know why people would read this. i mean, i read the flaming chicken handbook (for ressearch for my LoTeEv obviously (and because its a work of literary art)) and it was riveting from beginning to end. but what about mine? it seems something interesting yet different. what if im just writing for the words, but not for the inerest of you? well yeah, thats kinda the point of the LoTeEv. this isnt supposed to be the best thing you could be reading right now, but its supposed to be a story within a story, a dream within a dream. im not only writing the stories of Securitee and Circcy, but as i write you can read between the lines and see what i as a person am also doing. but whats up with e-books? why do they cost so much money, and why do libraries have limited copies of them?? do authors need money or something?? i seriously dont get it. i would be ok with paying a few cents for a nice audiobook, but 18 euros?? like come on. i know how rich these authors are, they dont need any more of my money. also whats up with airpods? people act like theyre the most expensive luxury item ever created, but its only like 2 days of work to afford like u wot m8 u bot da nu eir-pawds like legit u wot m8 bruh and im like stap guysss… ur making absolute bufoons of yourselves… whats the worst thing to get a lifetime supply of? beheadings? something like that. you reader email me with what you think is the worst thing! i am verrrrry interested. right now my LoTeEv is probably around 150,000 characters. that means my ultimate goal is to get to the big one milly boi. once i get there i can die in peace, knowing that my works were comepleted. i wonder where the last sentence of this will be. when i was reading the flaming chicken handbook lte it just… ended. at some point she just decided to stop writing. i hope that only happens when im old. but i know one day ill forget about this, and ill come back 5 years later and read it, and maybe start again. what are the rules fo rthese anyways? would anyone know if i secretly plagiarised someone elses? guys you should know to be suspicious if i somehow start talking weird. Im baaaaack! did you know that pigs cant look up? they spend their whole piggy lives staring at the horizon, never knowing what the sky really looks like. so heres one of my goals for you: tilt a piggy. let him really see the stars and the milky way for the first time, let him be encompassesd in pure wonder. he deserves it. next time you eat bacon, remember its probably never seen the skies. section 1890291000 (the number to call if you want to locate an irish pig professional) of the Rainbow FluffySheep Handbook STATES that every pig in the world should be tilted at least once in their life ( this task is not to be completed by the Shepherd of the Worthy Lambs, solely because it sounds tiring). i hate irish. i know this is such a craaazzzy opinion. the government obviously has school just to test student ability to learn, and theyre ability for self discipline
I'm sorry, but I'm having trouble understanding your request or query. Can you please provide me with more context or specify what kind of assistance you need?
Have you ever seen a sea turtle, whale, shark, or dolphin? Even if you have only seen pictures online, you can see how cute all of these creatures are. Well, they are in danger. So many of them are killed every year because of plastic waste. From people throwing away single-use water bottles to companies using a ton of plastic to make their products, we can all do better. Scientists are finding creatures like fish and sea birds with their stomachs filled with indigestible plastic. We have to change this, starting today!
Oceans cover 71 percent of Earth’s surface, and they are where most of Earth’s water comes from. Because of this, they are one of our greatest natural resources. Unfortunately, around 8 million metric tons of plastic enters our oceans each year. We all need to do more to save our oceans from this type of pollution. Fortunately, there are groups like the Ocean Conservancy, Oceana, and the Lonely Whale Foundation. They are all dedicated to helping this issue.
A student is researching the impact of plastic waste. Write a paragraph that compares and contrasts the two passages. Explain which passage would be better for the student to use and why.
Write a 3-5 sentence paragraph comparing and contrasting the text and film versions of a book, story, play or poem. Describe the main similarities and differences you noticed between the film and text versions.
bot i need help plsssssssss
Use the two passages to answer the question.
Have you ever seen a sea turtle, whale, shark, or dolphin? Even if you have only seen pictures online, you can see how cute all of these creatures are. Well, they are in danger. So many of them are killed every year because of plastic waste. From people throwing away single-use water bottles to companies using a ton of plastic to make their products, we can all do better. Scientists are finding creatures like fish and sea birds with their stomachs filled with indigestible plastic. We have to change this, starting today!
Oceans cover 71 percent of Earth’s surface, and they are where most of Earth’s water comes from. Because of this, they are one of our greatest natural resources. Unfortunately, around 8 million metric tons of plastic enters our oceans each year. We all need to do more to save our oceans from this type of pollution. Fortunately, there are groups like the Ocean Conservancy, Oceana, and the Lonely Whale Foundation. They are all dedicated to helping this issue.
A student is researching the impact of plastic waste. Write a paragraph that compares and contrasts the two passages. Explain which passage would be better for the student to use and why.
shut the #@% up bakugo no one cares about your @#$#