| Name: [Your Name] |
| Civilization | Government | Arts | Economics |
| Ancient Greece | City-states ruled by | Contributions in sculpture, theater, philosophy, | Economy based on agriculture, trade, and |
| | democracy | literature, and medicine. Impressive architecture | maritime activities. Silver ore mining was |
| | | including the Parthenon. | important for coinage. |
| | | A focus on humanism and the human form in art. | |
| | | Theaters for plays and amphitheaters for sports. | |
| | | Scientific advancements in medicine and philosophy. | |
| | | | |
| Ancient Egypt | Pharaoh ruled as a | Contributions in architecture, sculpture, | Economy based on agriculture, trade, and |
| | divine monarch | painting, and literature. Pyramids and temples | mining. Surpluses from farming allowed for |
| | | were architectural achievements. | the growth of cities and trade. |
| | | Hieroglyphics were a form of writing. | |
| | | Advancements in medicine and astronomy. | |
| | | | |
| Ancient China | Dynasties with an | Contributions in painting, calligraphy, poetry, | Economy based on farming and trade. Paper |
| | emperor ruling | philosophy, and music. Advanced architecture such | money was introduced for easier trade. |
| | through the Mandate | as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. Invention | Silk production and trade were important for |
| | of Heaven | of paper and print technology. | economic growth. |
| | | | |
| | | | |
Use the Three-Column Chart to organize your facts about each civilization. Put your name at the top of the chart. Complete the chart by filling in the first column with the following information:
Government: What was the structure and what were the main principles of each civilization's government?
Arts: What contributions or achievements did each civilization make in visual art, science, architecture, literature, theater, and medicine?
Economics: How did the civilizations grow and prosper?
Religion: What were the common religious practices? What was the government’s role in religion?
1 answer