Use the text to put the events in order.

Galileo Galilei is often called the father of modern science. He is famous for greatly improving telescopes and observing the stars and planets. He built his first telescope in 1609. The following year, he discovered four moons circling the planet Jupiter. Soon after that, he became the first person to see the rings of Saturn. Later in his life, Galileo completed his most famous book, Dialogue Concerning Two Chief World Systems. In this book, he used his observations to support Copernicus's discovery that the earth and all the planets circle the sun.

galieo sees jupiters moons
galileo sees saturn rings
galileo completes his most famous book
galieo builds a telescope

1 answer

Galileo builds a telescope
Galileo sees Jupiter's moons
Galileo sees Saturn's rings
Galileo completes his most famous book