Use the text below to answer the question that follows.

Football is so much better than baseball. People always say that baseball is America's pastime. Those people are stupid! I don't know anyone who likes baseball. It is really boring to watch on TV, and you have to wear those funny looking pants. All the people on TV who play baseball are too fat and slow. They could never play football.
Football is a real sport. It's really hard to throw that big ball all the way down the field, and really hard to catch it, when you know that you're about to get hit by some really big and fast person. BOOM! You're on the ground! Ouch! Any second, there is the danger of being tackled. That's a sport! Running around jumping on stupid squares and swinging a stick at a tiny white ball is not my idea of a sport. Football is America's pastime, if you ask me. Or maybe wrestling is America's pastime.
I love watching wrestling, too. Those men and women are strong! They can pick each other up and throw them right out of the ring into the audience! HA! Take that! That's my idea of a sport. Baseball is for weaklings who are too weak for football and wrestling and too scared to get hit all the time. Wrestling is without a doubt a better sport than baseball.
The writer of this passage is very biased against baseball. Which sentence below helps show this point of view?
"It is really boring to watch."
"Those men and women are strong!"
"That's my idea of a sport."
"You're on the ground!"
What best describes the tone throughout the following letter?

33 answers

There is no letter provided to analyze the tone.
Use the text below to answer the question that follows.
Football is so much better than baseball. People always say that baseball is America's pastime. Those people are stupid! I don't know anyone who likes baseball. It is really boring to watch on TV, and you have to wear those funny looking pants. All the people on TV who play baseball are too fat and slow. They could never play football.
Football is a real sport. It's really hard to throw that big ball all the way down the field, and really hard to catch it, when you know that you're about to get hit by some really big and fast person. BOOM! You're on the ground! Ouch! Any second, there is the danger of being tackled. That's a sport! Running around jumping on stupid squares and swinging a stick at a tiny white ball is not my idea of a sport. Football is America's pastime, if you ask me. Or maybe wrestling is America's pastime.
I love watching wrestling, too. Those men and women are strong! They can pick each other up and throw them right out of the ring into the audience! HA! Take that! That's my idea of a sport. Baseball is for weaklings who are too weak for football and wrestling and too scared to get hit all the time. Wrestling is without a doubt a better sport than baseball.
The writer of this passage is very biased against baseball. Which sentence below helps show this point of view?
a) "It is really boring to watch."
b) "Those men and women are strong!"
c) "That's my idea of a sport."
d) "You're on the ground!"
a) "It is really boring to watch."
Jill has been asked to present a story that has a lot of dialogue and highlights the voices and costumes of characters. Which presentation style should she use for her story?
dramatic play
audio recording
dramatic play
Use this text below to answer the question that follows.
Family-Friendly Summer Movies

Summer movies are very exciting. Some people compare them to fireworks. Many summer movies are family-friendly.
Some movies are based on books that tell fantastical stories. They involve imaginary characters, creatures, and events that are beyond this world. Others are based on books that tell classic stories, or tales that are well-known and have been enjoyed around the world for a long time, like Jules Verne's Around the World in 80 Days. Still other movies are dramatic or action-packed. They may even be sequels, or followups to other movies, like those in the Spider-Man series. Movies like these can offer great family-friendly options for enjoying the summer.
How does the author inform readers about the movies?
The author interviews some movie directors.
The author describes the movies' storylines.
The author explains why the movies are great.
The author interviews the actors in the movies.
The author describes the movies' storylines.
How are the above passages similar?
Both passages are about not giving up when faced with an impossible situation.
Both passages are about camping in very rugged mountainous terrain.
Both passages are about characters who are working hard to achieve a big goal.
Both passages are about characters who are tracking peculiar weather patterns.
There is no above passage given to compare.
Use the text below to answer the question that follows.
Passage 1

Going for the Goal

As the time drew nearer, I packed the last of the necessities I'd need for my big hike: wool socks, a heavy coat, and hand warmers. Of all the mountains I had ever climbed, this would, no doubt, be the most challenging. The recent drop in temperature wouldn't help any. Not only would I have to exercise the mental toughness of conquering a great physical feat, but I'd have to endure the freezing weather, too.

Passage 2

Reaching the Top

I gave myself an entire year to prepare to hike to the summit of Mt. Monet. At the top of my bucket list, hiking the tallest mountain in the state was a huge aspiration of mine. Although there was no way I could have anticipated the severe drought the area would face when I first began training, I knew I could sustain the dry heat by staying adequately hydrated. In a few short hours, I would feel quite accomplished!

How are the above passages similar?
Both passages are about not giving up when faced with an impossible situation.
Both passages are about camping in very rugged mountainous terrain.
Both passages are about characters who are working hard to achieve a big goal.
Both passages are about characters who are tracking peculiar weather patterns.
Both passages are about characters who are working hard to achieve a big goal.
Use the text below to answer the question that follows.
Passage 1
Tossing Horseshoes
(from Outdoor Fun: A Guide to Yard Games)

Horseshoes is a yard game played between two players or two pairs of players. A horseshoe is a U-shaped iron rib normally nailed to the hooves of horses. People play horseshoes in an area called a "pit." A normal horseshoe pit is 40 feet long with iron or wooden stakes at either end. Players take turns throwing two horseshoes at one stake while standing behind the other.
Cowboys looking for a way to pass the time probably invented the game of horseshoes. The idea is to score a "ringer" or to make the horseshoe wrap around the opposite stake. This makes a loud noise and scores three points. Another way to score points is by throwing the horseshoe closest to the stake. A player wins one point for each throw that lands closer to the stake than the opponent.

Passage 2
(from an encyclopedia article)

Horses work to carry riders and heavy loads, so it is important that people protect a horse's hooves. Work can cause a horse’s hoof to chip or break. Horseshoes help prevent this kind of damage to the horse's hooves.
A horseshoe is a U-shaped metal slat that is fitted to each hoof. People normally make horseshoes from iron though they use other metals as well. The farrier is the person who shoes a horse. He or she nails the horseshoe onto the hoof, which is like a person's fingernail.
Because the hoof is dense and tough, the nailing of the shoe onto the hoof does not hurt the horse at all. In fact, most farriers say horses enjoy being shod because they like the attention. They say the horse thinks of the process the same way a person might think of a manicure.
Frankie's teacher asked him to write a report on horses and their shoes. Which passage from the text above should Frankie use as a source for his assignment?
Passage 1 because it describes a typical horseshoe as a U-shaped iron rib.
Passage 1 because it shows how throwing horseshoes can be a lot of fun.
Passage 2 because it explains how cowboys invented the game of horseshoes.
Passage 2 because it reports that a farrier is a person who shoes a horse.
Passage 2 because it explains how horseshoes are used to protect a horse's hooves and describes the job of a farrier.
Use the text below to answer the question that follows.
from I, Coriander
by Sally Gardner

It is night, and our old house by the river is finally quiet. The baby has stopped its crying and been soothed back to sleep. Only the gentle lapping of the River Thames can be heard outside my window. London is wrapped in a deep sleep, waiting for the watchman to call in the new day.
I have lit the first of seven candles to write my story by. On the table next to me is the silk purse that holds my mother's pearls, and beside it is the ebony box whose treasure I am only now beginning to understand. Next to that, shining nearly as bright as the moon, stands a pair of silver shoes.
I have a great many things to tell, of how I came by the silver shoes and more. And this being my story and a fairy tale besides, I will start once upon a time . . . .
Which words from the first paragraph reveal the story's point of view?
it, river
sleep, London
our, my
its, baby
What best describes the tone throughout the following letter? Dear Grandma, The day has finally arrived—the day I get to move from fifth grade to sixth grade! What can bring more joy than this? According to Mom, moving up a grade means that I am one year older. She said that I get to do more things because she and Dad can trust me a little bit more to do things on my own. Plus, it means that I am closer to becoming a true teenager. Grandma, it is quite wonderful to be a year older.I am also excited for the change of scenery. Elementary school was great and all, but middle school will be fantastic. A new building means a chance to explore someplace new. I can't wait to enter those doors because it will be quite blissful. Don't be surprised if you don't recognize me when I come and visit you. After all, I am a year older. Love,Wylie
The morning wasn't going well for me. Paul wasn't particularly patient with me today because he said that I had kept him awake last night. Last night, I stayed up late howling at the moon. Paul didn't understand that it was my turn to sing to the moon—it was my duty. I tried to make him understand, but he just gave me a rather rough pat on the head and pushed me to my bowl on the floor. It was the same old meal since I started living with Paul and his parents. Usually, he would give me scraps from his breakfast but not today. He was too annoyed with me. So, when the afternoon rolled around and I was still hungry, I wished I hadn't done my duty. <<This passage is most likely written from whose perspective?>>
Paul's dad
Paul's turtle
Paul's dog
Paul's sister
Paul's dog
use the text below to answer the question that follows.
from The Rope Dance
by Rex Stout

It was on a bright October afternoon that Rick Duggett got off at Grand Central Station, New York. He had eight hundred dollars in the pocket of his brand new suit of clothes. But first of all it is necessary to explain how he got there and where the money came from.
He was one of those men who never do anything by halves. He ate a huge amount or fasted. He slept eleven hours or not at all. He sat in a poker game only when it was expressly understood that the roof was the limit and you might blow that off if you had enough powder.
Whatever he did he went just a little farther than anyone else. So it was only natural that he should reach the top of his profession. He was the best roper in Eastern Arizona, which is no mean title even in these days when good ropers are as scarce as water holes in a desert.
When a prize of one thousand dollars cash was hung up in the great roping contest held at Honeville last October everybody expected Rick Duggett to win it. He did not disappoint them. He roped and tied ten steers in fourteen minutes and twenty-eight seconds, seven full minutes better than the nearest competitor.

Why does the author choose to use this point of view in the story?
to explain why Rick Duggett needs more practice in his roping skills
to emphasize objectively that people expect a great deal from Rick Duggett
to show that Rick Duggett does not have many people who call him "friend"
to prove that Rick Duggett is not as great a person as most would believe
to emphasize objectively that people expect a great deal from Rick Duggett
Use the text below to answer the question that follows.
First, pick a quality pair of running shoes that have good support. Next, choose a route or a gym in which to workout. Increase the distance or time each day. Be sure to stretch muscles before and after each session. Drink plenty of water all day. Take a break every few days to let your muscles rest. Vary activities to avoid boredom. A good way to do this is to play different sports as often as possible. This is better than traditional workouts. There is no excuse for a whole week without physical activity. Finally, encourage friends and family to adopt your lifestyle. Any fitness program is more successful with the support of others.
The author writes with a bias against people who are not active. Which statement best supports this viewpoint?
There is no excuse for a whole week without physical activity.
A good way to do this is to play different sports as often as possible.
...pick a quality pair of running shoes that have good support.
Be sure to stretch muscles before and after each session.
There is no excuse for a whole week without physical activity.
only 13 more questions ok?
I'm an AI language model and I'm here to assist you. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need!
Use the text below to answer the question that follows.
His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to eke out a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad.
The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved.
"I want to repay you," said the nobleman. "You saved my son's life."
"No, I can't accept payment for what I did," the Scottish farmer replied, waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel.
"Is that your son?" the nobleman asked.
"Yes," the farmer replied proudly.
"I'll make you a deal. Let me take him and give him a good education. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll grow to a man you can be proud of."
And that he did. In time, Farmer Fleming's son graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin.
Years afterward, the nobleman's son was stricken with pneumonia.
What saved him? penicillin.
The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill.
His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill.

Through what point of view does the narrator tell the story?
First person
Third person limited
Second person
Third person omniscient
Third person limited
I imagine myself relaxing in a hammock on a warm, breezy morning. I'm enjoying my morning coffee. I can hear the waves of the Pacific Ocean crashing down in the distance. I watch the horizon as the glorious red sun makes its peaceful journey into the sky. According to my travel agent, this breathtaking experience can be mine if I stay at the Waikiki beachside hotel. <<How would this passage be different if it was written in third person point of view?>>
The audience would be the main character in the story.
The audience would be less connected to the description.
The audience would not know the thoughts of any characters.
The audience would narrate the events in the passage.
The audience would be less connected to the description.
Ben is writing a report that compares the average December snowfall in New York to that of Boston. Which of the following would be the best image he could add?
images of snowstorms in New York and Boston from 2010–2015
a graph showing snowfall levels in December in the two cities during 2010–2015
a graph showing snowfall levels in New York during 2010–2015
a map highlighting cities in America that received the highest snowfall between 2010–2015
a graph showing snowfall levels in December in the two cities during 2010–2015
Ravi is creating a presentation on how to learn a new language and wants to include a demonstration of ways to speak a few French words. Which of the following would be the best type of media he could add?
an audio recording of basic French words and their English counterparts
an image showing a list of English words that have been borrowed from French
a short movie in French with English subtitles
a map showing the different countries where French is spoken
Franz wrote his signature at the end of a letter by saying "From your EX-friend, Franz". Frantz's signature line contributes to the tone of his email, which is one of
Steve is creating a presentation about calligraphy and wants to show the process of cursive writing. Which of the following would be the best type of media he could add?
an interview with a famous calligraphy artist
a step-by-step audio narration of the art of calligraphy
a video calligraphy tutorial on the art of cursive writing
an image displaying a variety of decorative handwriting
Bill Sutton loved coaching soccer, but he felt he spent too much time communicating practice and game schedules. After his son missed a practice because he didn't get the message, Sam Eaton suggested Bill make a team Web site where he could post everything the team members needed to know. Sam even offered to build the Web site for him and to show him how to maintain it. What is the purpose of the Web site?
to raise money for new team uniforms
to inform members about schedules
to share game pictures among parents
to teach players the rules of soccer
Sally is creating a presentation about outdoor camping and wants to include a demonstration of how to set up a tent. Which of the following would be the best type of media she could add?
an audio file listing the steps to set up a tent
a video showing the steps to set up a tent
an image of a tent on a lawn
a video about different kinds of tents for different purposes
Use this text to answer the question that follows.
Hurry! Hurry up! was all Lee could think of as she waited impatiently. She wanted and needed her cake to bake quickly right now. She had forgotten that she needed one for the birthday party that she was throwing for her best friend. Lee was so anxious because the party was only 30 minutes away. She really wanted this party to be the best party ever. And, the cake was critical to a birthday party; it was the centerpiece.
Lee could only pace back and forth because she couldn't do anything—it was up to the oven now. She felt so hopeless because she couldn't help speed up the baking. Once in awhile, Lee drummed her fingers on the counter. Lee was frantic. She watched the time shrink before her eyes—she was slowly running out of the time. Breathing heavily, Lee looked around her kitchen to see if she could replace the cake with something else. However, there was nothing! There was no solution but just to wait. . . .
Which of the following words contributes to the desperate tone in the passage?
Melinda's class has split into groups to write research papers about the major battles of World War II. Melinda is part of a group that is writing a research paper about World War II's the Battle of the Bulge. Melinda doesn't know anything about World War II, so she finds it hard to get started in research. Which of the following tools would be best for Melinda to use to get started?
a military magazine
Fiona is writing a research paper about Amelia Earhart, the pilot. Her teacher told her to include at least one primary source in her research. Which of the following is an example of a primary source?
a diary written by Amelia Earhart
a biography of Amelia Earhart
a video about Amelia Earhart
an Internet article about Amelia Earhart
Use these two passages to answer the question that follows.
Passage 1

Do you know how Maryland and the city of Baltimore got their names? On March 25, Marylanders celebrate Maryland Day to honor the arrival of the first colonists to the land King Charles I of England chartered to Lord Baltimore in 1634. He named the land after the king's wife, Henrietta Maria, or Mary. Lord Baltimore had almost complete control over the colony as long as he paid the king a share of all the gold or silver discovered on the land.

Passage 2

The Atlantic Coastal Plain covers about one-half of Maryland's land area, yielding to the Piedmont Plateau at a fall line running from the northern tip of the District of Columbia through Baltimore and to near the northeastern corner of the state. The Catoctin ridgeline in the west forms the gateway to the Appalachians.

What contrast can be made between the two passages?
Both passages are about Maryland.
Passage 1 is about England; passage 2 is about Maryland.
Passage 1 is about the Women's Right's movement; passage 2 is about Susan B. Anthony and her activism.
Passage 1 is about Maryland's history; passage 2 is about Maryland's geography.
Complete the sentence by selecting the word with the most positive connotation: The ____________ of the flowers was very appealing.
Ben is writing a report that compares the average December snowfall in New York to that of Boston. Which of the following would be the best image he could add?
images of snowstorms in New York and Boston from 2010–2015
a graph showing snowfall levels in December in the two cities during 2010–2015
a graph showing snowfall levels in New York during 2010–2015
a map highlighting cities in America that received the highest snowfall between 2010–2015
Use the text below to answer the question that follows.
First, pick a quality pair of running shoes that have good support. Next, choose a route or a gym in which to workout. Increase the distance or time each day. Be sure to stretch muscles before and after each session. Drink plenty of water all day. Take a break every few days to let your muscles rest. Vary activities to avoid boredom. A good way to do this is to play different sports as often as possible. This is better than traditional workouts. There is no excuse for a whole week without physical activity. Finally, encourage friends and family to adopt your lifestyle. Any fitness program is more successful with the support of others.
Ravi is creating a presentation on how to learn a new language and wants to include a demonstration of ways to speak a few French words. Which of the following would be the best type of media he could add?
an audio recording of basic French words and their English counterparts
an image showing a list of English words that have been borrowed from French
a short movie in French with English subtitles
a map showing the different countries where French is spoken