To find the average living wages of both adults, we need to total up the costs of all the basic needs and divide it by 2 (because there are 2 working adults).
Total basic needs cost = $637.08 + $701.25 + $725.58 + $1,324.17 + $1,059.03 + $872.75 + $512.50 = $5,832.36
Average living wage per adult = $5,832.36 / 2 = $2,916.18
Therefore, the average living wage of both adults should be $2,916.18.
Use the table to answer the question.
Items Cost
food and groceries $637.08
child care $701.25
medical $725.58
housing $1,324.17
transportation $1,059.03
monthly taxes $872.75
other basic necessities $512.50
The table shows the monthly basic needs budget for a 1-child family with 2
working adults in Fort Worth, Texas.
What should be the average of living wages of both adults so they can support
their family’s basic needs? Assume both parents work full-time (40 hours per
week). Round to the nearest hundredth.
3 answers
Apologies for the incorrect response. To find the average living wages of both adults, we need to divide the total basic needs cost by the number of adults (2 in this case).
Total basic needs cost = $637.08 + $701.25 + $725.58 + $1,324.17 + $1,059.03 + $872.75 + $512.50 = $5,832.36
Average living wage per adult = $5,832.36 / 2 = $2,916.18
Therefore, the average living wage of both adults should be $2,916.18.
Total basic needs cost = $637.08 + $701.25 + $725.58 + $1,324.17 + $1,059.03 + $872.75 + $512.50 = $5,832.36
Average living wage per adult = $5,832.36 / 2 = $2,916.18
Therefore, the average living wage of both adults should be $2,916.18.