Use the table to answer the question Event/System First Triumvirate First Civil War Second Civil War Description Alliance formed among Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey for political reasons to end the deadlock between the Populares and Optimates War between Julius Caesar and Pompey for the dictatorship of Rome War between Antony and Octavian for what would eventually become the Roman Empire Which statement accurately summarizes the figures and events that led to the fall of the Roman Republic ? (1 point )

1 answer

The figures and events that led to the fall of the Roman Republic can be summarized as follows: The formation of the First Triumvirate, comprising Julius Caesar, Crassus, and Pompey, represented an alliance aimed at consolidating power and resolving the political deadlock between the Populares, who sought reforms, and the Optimates, who favored the aristocracy. This alliance eventually unraveled, leading to the First Civil War between Caesar and Pompey, which culminated in Caesar's rise to power and the end of the Republic's traditional governance. Following Caesar's assassination, the Second Civil War erupted between his supporters, led by Marc Antony, and his adopted heir Octavian, ultimately resulting in the establishment of the Roman Empire under Octavian, thereby marking the definitive end of the Republican system.