Use the story to answer the question:

In a serene meadow nestled between rolling hills, there lived a tortoise named Tilly and a hare named Harvey. Tilly was known for her steady and methodical approach to life, while Harvey was known for his speed and impulsive nature. One sunny day, as Tilly and Harvey basked lazily in the warmth of the meadow, a bird chirped the news of an upcoming race. Eager for a friendly competition, Tilly and Harvey decided to participate.

The race began with a flutter of excitement, and Harvey shot off like a bolt of lightning, leaving Tilly far behind. Confident of his victory, Harvey raced ahead without a second thought. However, as Harvey sped along the course, he encountered obstacles that he hadn't anticipated – a steep hill, a tangled thicket, and a winding path through the woods. With each hurdle, Harvey grew more fatigued and frustrated, his energy dwindling with every step. Meanwhile, Tilly plodded along at her own steady pace, navigating the course with patience and determination. As the finish line drew near, Tilly caught sight of Harvey struggling ahead. For a second, Tilly thought of passing him by, but instead she slowed her pace and offered him a helping hand. "Come on, Harvey! Together, we can finish this race," Tilly encouraged.. Surprised by Tilly's kindness, Harvey hesitated for a moment before accepting her offer. However, as they crossed the finish line hand in hand, the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. Neither Tilly nor Harvey won the trophy that day but the story of this race would be told to children in the meadow for years to come.

Directions: Write a paragraph, 3 to 5 sentences, to summarize the story and include a theme statement.

Summary should include setting, characters, and plot and how it all contributes to the meaning of the story? (3 pts)

Summary should include the theme of the short story? (1 pt)

Paragraph should be written in complete sentence format and free of errors. (1 p

1 answer

In a serene meadow nestled between rolling hills, the tortoise Tilly and the hare Harvey decided to participate in a race. While Harvey raced ahead with his speed and impulsive nature, Tilly took a steady and methodical approach. As the race progressed, Harvey encountered unexpected obstacles that left him fatigued and frustrated. Despite being far behind, Tilly persisted with patience and determination. In the end, Tilly's kindness and willingness to help Harvey showed that working together can lead to success. The theme of the story highlights the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and compassion.