: Use the rubric below as a guide in answering the short answer question(s).

4 The question is clearly answered.
The response is fully supported by details.
There may be a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics, but they do not interfere with meaning.
3 The question is adequately answered.
The response is supported by mostly relevant details.
There are a few errors in grammar, usage, or mechanics, but they do not interfere with meaning.
2 The question is somewhat answered.
Details are weak or extraneous.
There are some errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics, and they interfere with meaning.
1 The question is answered vaguely.
There are few or no supporting details.
There are many errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics, and they interfere with meaning.
0 The question is not answered.

En el aula tradicional veo una mochila junto al cartel en la pared. Los alumnos están sentados en sus sillas y el profesor está parado al frente. Las mochilas están debajo de las sillas y los libros encima de las mesas. Los estudiantes prestan atención a la lección y participan en clase. El profesor está contento con el comportamiento de sus alumnos. En general el ambiente en el aula es agradable y todos están enfocados en aprender.

1 answer

Respuesta: 4
La pregunta es claramente respondida y la respuesta está apoyada por detalles relevantes. Aunque hay algunos errores en gramática, uso o mecánica, no interfieren con el significado general de la respuesta.