Use the rubric and graphic organizer on the writing guide to ensure you fully answer the question to earn full credit.
Unit 6 Test - Short Answer Writing Guide:
4-point Short Answer:
Watch the following video: Epic Hero by Shmoop
Provide a brief summary of the video (what key points are discussed) and explain how the video relates to and can help us understand our epic poem from Unit 6: Sunjata retold by Djanka Tassey Condé.
Link to Sunjata
Use the rubric and graphic organizer below to ensure you fully answer the question to earn full credit.
How your short answer response will be scored: 4 Point Rubric
R (1pt) - Restate the question by turning the question into a statement and using words from the question in your introductory sentence. Make sure to include the title and author of the story you will be discussing.
A (1pt) - Answer is correct and completely addresses the prompt.
C (1pt) - Citation, paraphrase, or specific example from the story is included and logically supports the “A”nswer.
E (1pt) - Connection between the “C” and the “A” is clearly explained. Overall grammar and flow and length of paragraph is appropriate.
Introductory Sentences
R- restate prompt
Use the sentence provided:
The video “Epic Hero by Shmoop” can help us gain a better understanding of Sunjata as retold by Djanka Tassey Condé.
A- Answer question 1
You need to:
Provide a brief (1-2 sentence) summary of the video’s main idea.
Fully answer all questions - Part 1
A- Answer question 2
Use the sentence starter provided:
This video relates to Sunjata…
C- cite
another example
You need to:
Cite one example using a direct quote from the story to support your answer. (1 sentence)
E- Explain
You need to:
Explain how the quote you chose shows how the video relates to Sunjata. (1 sentence)
Concluding Sentence(s)
A- Answer question 3
Use the sentence starter provided:
The video can help us gain a better understanding of Sunjata…
1 answer
In Sunjata, there is a line that says, "His voice was like a lion's roar, and his laughter made the earth shake" (Condé, pg. 23). This quote shows how Sunjata possesses the characteristic of having a powerful voice and presence like an epic hero. The video discusses how epic heroes often have larger-than-life qualities, and Sunjata's powerful voice aligns with this idea.
The video can help us gain a better understanding of Sunjata by showing us the specific characteristics of an epic hero and how Sunjata embodies those characteristics. It allows us to see how Sunjata's strength and presence contribute to his heroism in the story.