Use the root words and afflues to determine the meaning of the ward.









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1 answer

Sure! Let's break down the root words and affixes for each term you provided and explain their meanings:

  1. Biomimicry

    • Root Words: "Bio-" (life) + "mimic" (to imitate)
    • Meaning: The design and production of materials, structures, and systems that are modeled on biological entities and processes. It involves imitating nature to solve human problems.
  2. Cardiovascular

    • Root Words: "Cardio-" (heart) + "vascular" (relating to blood vessels)
    • Meaning: Pertaining to the system that circulates blood through the body, involving the heart and blood vessels.
  3. Aerodynamic

    • Root Words: "Aero-" (air) + "dynamic" (force or movement)
    • Meaning: Relating to the way air moves around things. It is often associated with how shapes and designs minimize drag and resistance in the air.
  4. Ultraviolet

    • Root Words: "Ultra-" (beyond) + "violet" (the color in the spectrum that is beyond visible light)
    • Meaning: A type of electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength shorter than that of visible light, but longer than X-rays. Ultraviolet rays are commonly associated with sunlight.
  5. Epicenter

    • Root Words: "Epi-" (upon, over) + "center" (middle)
    • Meaning: The point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake. It is the central point of an event from which it spreads.
  6. Herbivore

    • Root Words: "Herb" (plant) + "vore" (to eat)
    • Meaning: An animal that primarily eats plants. Herbivores are organisms that consume living plant material.
  7. Glaciated

    • Root Words: "Glaci-" (ice) + "-ated" (having the quality of)
    • Meaning: Covered or marked by glaciers; having been shaped or formed by the action of ice. It often refers to landscapes that have been formed by glacial activity.

If you have specific questions regarding these words or any other related topics, feel free to ask!