Woodrow Wilson believed that the awakening of the Chinese people to the possibilities of self-governance was a pivotal moment that aligned with American values of democracy and freedom. He expressed a desire for the U.S. to support China in harnessing its vast resources, suggesting that promoting a free and prosperous China would not only benefit the Chinese people but also align with American interests in fostering global stability and economic opportunity. Wilson's support was rooted in a belief in mutual benefit and goodwill between nations.
Use the quote from woodrow wilson from march 19 1913 to answer the question
The awakening of the people of china to a conciousness of their possibilities under free government is the most significant, if not, the most momentous event of our generation. with this movement and aspiration of american people are in profound sympathy. they certainly wiish to participate, and participate very generously, in opening to the chinese and the use of the world the almost untouched and perhaps unrivaeld resources of china." in 2-3 sentences explain why woodrow wilson felt the US should support china?
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