Use the periodic table to answer the question which element has the same number as electron shells as tungsten W in parentheses on the table it says it shows as 74 so would the answer be why for YTTRIUM or MO which stands for MOLYBDENUM or gold in parentheses AU or nickel and parentheses NI

1 answer

Tungsten (W) has an atomic number of 74, which means it has 74 protons and, in a neutral atom, the same number of electrons. Tungsten is located in period 6 of the periodic table.

The number of electron shells (or energy levels) in an element corresponds to its period number. Elements in the same period will have the same number of electron shells.

The elements listed and their corresponding periods are:

  • Yttrium (Y) - Atomic number 39, Period 5
  • Molybdenum (Mo) - Atomic number 42, Period 5
  • Gold (Au) - Atomic number 79, Period 6
  • Nickel (Ni) - Atomic number 28, Period 4

Since tungsten (W) is in Period 6, it shares the same number of electron shells as Gold (Au), which is also in Period 6.

So, the correct answer is Gold (Au).