Use the periodic table to answer the question.
The elements in the periodic table are arranged in groups (columns numbered Roman numeral 1 through 18) and periods (rows numbered 1 through 7) such that the atomic number increases along a period from left to right. The elements are divided into the following categories:
• Alkali metals
• Alkaline earth metals
• Transition metals
• Post-transition metals
• Lanthanoids
• Actinoids
• Metalloids
• Nonmetals
• Noble gases
• Unknown
The elements are also classified on the basis of their physical states at room temperature as follows:
• Solid
• Liquid
• Gas
• Unknown
The element sulfur is enlarged with the following properties highlighted.
• Chemical symbol: S
• Name: Sulfur
• Atomic Number: 16
• Atomic mass: 32.06
• Common oxidation states: 6, 4, 2, negative 2
• Electronegativity: 2.58
• Ionization energies: 999.589 kilojoule mol raised negative one
• Electron configuration: [N e] 3 s squared 3 p to the fourth
Listed by atomic number, symbol, and name.
Period 1: 1, H, Hydrogen. 2, He, Helium.
Period 2: 3, Li, Lithium. 4, Be, Beryllium. 5, B, Boron. 6, C, Carbon. 7, N, Nitrogen. 8, O, Oxygen. 9, F, Fluorine. 10, Ne, Neon.
Period 3: 11, Na, Sodium. 12, Mg, Magnesium. 13, Al, Aluminum. 14, Si, Silicon. 15, P, Phosphorus. 16, S, Sulfur. 17, Cl, Chlorine. 18, Ar, Argon.
Period 4: 19, K, Potassium. 20, Ca, Calcium. 21, Sc, Scandium. 22, Ti, Titanium. 23, V, Vanadium. 24, Cr, Chromium. 25, Mn, Manganese. 26, Fe, Iron. 27, Co, Cobalt. 28, Ni, Nickel. 29, Cu, Copper. 30, Zn, Zinc. 31, Ga, Gallium. 32, Ge, Germanium. 33, As, Arsenic. 34, Se, Selenium. 35, Br, Bromine. 36, Kr, Krypton.
Period 5: 37, Rb, Rubidium. 38, Sr, Strontium. 39, Y, Yttrium. 40, Zr, Zirconium. 41, Nb, Niobium. 42, Mo, Molybdenum. 43, Tc, Technetium. 44, Ru, Ruthenium. 45, Rh, Rhodium. 46, Pd, Palladium. 47, Ag, Silver. 48, Cd, Cadmium. 49, In, Indium. 50, Sn, Tin. 51, Sb, Antimony. 52, Te, Tellurium. 53, I, Iodine. 54, Xe, Xenon.
Period 6: 55, Cs, Cesium. 56, Ba, Barium. 57, La, Lanthanum. 58, Ce, Cerium. 59, Pr, Praseodymium. 60, Nd, Neodymium. 61, Pm, Promethium. 62, Sm, Samarium. 63, Eu, Europium. 64, Gd, Gadolinium. 65, Tb, Terbium. 66, Dy, Dysprosium. 67, Ho, Holmium. 68, Er, Erbium. 69, Tm, Thulium. 70, Yb, Ytterbium. 71, Lu, Lutetium. 72, Hf, Hafnium. 73, Ta, Tantalum. 74, W, Tungsten. 75, Re, Rhenium. 76, Os, Osmium. 77, Ir, Iridium. 78, Pt, Platinum. 79, Au, Gold. 80, Hg, Mercury. 81, Tl, Thallium. 82, Pb, Lead. 83, Bi, Bismuth. 84, Po, Polonium. 85, At, Astatine. 86, Rn, Radon.
Period 7: 87, Fr, Francium. 88, Ra, Radium. 89, Ac, Actinium. 90, Th, Thorium. 91, Pa, Protactinium. 92, U, Uranium. 93, Np, Neptunium. 94, Pu, Plutonium. 95, Am, Americium. 96, Cm, Curium. 97, Bk, Berkelium. 98, Cf, Californium. 99, Es, Einsteinium. 100, Fm, Fermium. 101, Md, Mendelevium. 102, No, Nobelium. 103, Lr, Lawrencium. 104, Rf, Rutherfordium. 105, Db, Dubnium. 106, Sg,Seaborgium. 107, Bh, Bohrium. 108, Hs, Hassium. 109, Mt, Meitnerium. 110, Ds, Darmstadtium. 111, Rg, Roentgenium. 112, Cn, Copernicum. 113, Nh, Nihonium. 114, Fl, Flerovium. 115, Mc, Moscovium. 116, Lv, Livermorium. 117, Ts, Tennessine. 118, Og, Oganesson.
Which element has atoms with valence electrons in a higher energy level than those of calcium (Ca)?
(1 point)
cesium (Cs)
cesium (Cs)
oxygen (O)
oxygen (O)
bromine (Br)
bromine (Br)
lithium (Li)
1 answer
To determine which element has valence electrons in a higher energy level than those of calcium (Ca), we need to analyze the electron configuration of calcium.
Calcium (Ca) has an atomic number of 20, and its electron configuration is \([Ar] 4s^2\). This indicates that the valence electrons are in the 4th energy level (n=4).
Now, let's examine the options:
- Cesium (Cs): Atomic number 55, electron configuration \([Xe] 6s^1\). Valence electrons are in the 6th energy level (n=6).
- Oxygen (O): Atomic number 8, electron configuration \([He] 2s^2 2p^4\). Valence electrons are in the 2nd energy level (n=2).
- Bromine (Br): Atomic number 35, electron configuration \([Ar] 4s^2 3d^{10} 4p^5\). Valence electrons are in the 4th energy level (n=4).
- Lithium (Li): Atomic number 3, electron configuration \([He] 2s^1\). Valence electrons are in the 2nd energy level (n=2).
From this analysis, the only element with valence electrons in a higher energy level than calcium is cesium (Cs), which has valence electrons in the 6th energy level.
Final Answer: cesium (Cs)